Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bombing attacks

The simultaneous bombing attacks on Israeli targets in New Delhi, India, and that which was foiled in Tblisi, Georgia, are evidence of a guiding hand behind the scenes. Luckily noone was killed and the evidence from Georgia might provide useful clues of who was behind it, but without proof one can only speculate. Since this was the fourth anniversary of the death by bombing of the Chief of the Hizbollah military mission in Syria, Ahmad Mugnieh, then it makes sense that these acts were carried out by Hizbollah. But, since the deaths of Iranian scientists were also caused by magnetic bombs attached to cars, which Iran blamed on Israel, one can speculate that Iran's hand is behind this. As PM Netanyahu said, Iran is the greatest exporter of terrorism in the world.

These attacks are part of a much larger campaign, a war in fact, being carried out against Israel and indeed the whole of western civilization, by the expansive and fundamentalist Islamist Shia State of Iran. When Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in 1979 as a result of the revolution in Iran, he proclaimed openly his intention of waging war against Israel and the US. Not only did they attack secular Iraq, but they took overthe US Embassy in Tehran and set up Hizbollah in Lebanon and started to support Hamas in Gaza. Their intenion is to ring Israel and then, usng their nuclear weapons and missiles, attack in force. One cannot doubt this given the number of times that PM Ahmedinejad and other leaders of the regime in Iran have pronounced their intention to "wipe Israel off the map." Jewish experience throughout the centuries and including the Holocaust during WWII have forewarned us to take the threats of powerful dictators very seriously.

If we acknowledge that we are in a declared war, then we will not make the same mistake that the US made in ignoring the declaration of war against it by Osama bin Ladin of al Qaeda. Because they ignored it and did not take the threat seriously they were totally unprepared for the attack that then came on 9/11. Ignore the threats of determined fanatics at your cost. Why is Iran carrying out naval operations in the Persian Gulf and threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz, why have they just announced that they have small, fast explosive suicide boats ready in the Gulf to attack the ships of any navy that threatens them (meaning the US)? You can judge for yourself.

The American people are not interested in another war. They have had enough with Iraq and Afghanistan, and they elected Pres. Obama to end these conflicts. But, when someone has declared war against you, it is foolish in the extreme to ignore it. What happens viv-a-vis Iran can affect the upcoming election campaign and Obama certainly does not want a war with Iran at the very least until after the election. But, often men cannot detemine events and the clock is ticking on a US-Iranian clash over hegemony in the Persian Gulf area. Whether it comes before or after Israel is forced to attack Iran to prevent its development of nuclear weapons remains to be seen.


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