Friday, February 24, 2012

Palestinians support Assad

While the rest of the world condemn Pres. Bashar Assad for the disgusting acts of murder going on against the civilian population in Syria, what do the Palestinians do, they demonstrate in support of Assad. The UN accuses Assad of crimes against humanity, while thousands of Palestinians rallied in Ramallah, capital city of the PA, in support of his actions in Syria. To those of you who support the Palestinians in their struggle against Israel, are you sure you want to support their ally, Pres. Assad of Syria. How far are you prepared to go, you supposedly morally conscious human rights activists, in supporting such a people? Remember, they also supported Saddam Hussein, and cheered when he shot rockets into Israel. They also incidentally supported the Nazis during WWII, their leader the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, met with Hitler to plan the destruction of the Jews in Israel. They haven't changed, they will always support the most morally outrageous actors.

There is a difference between the reaction of diaspora Jews and Israelis in relation to the massacres that are going on in Syria. Disapora Jews, predominantly liberal and humanitarian, look at the pictures of Assad's army firing point blank into undefended Syrian cities, and feel sick. Israelis look at the same pictures and think "if they do that to their own people, what would they do to us?" A valid question, since Dera'a is only 75 miles from Netanya and Homs only 200 miles. So the view is colored by our different perspectives.

I understand that the annual anti-Israel hate-fest 'Israel apartheid week" is going on in campuses around the west. What ideological claptrap. As any South African can tell you, there is absolutely no similarity between Israel, with all its faults, and the systematic racist policy of the white supremacist Government of South Africa that was known as apartheid. You guys are living in the past, the west faces a nuclear threat from the extremist Islamist Shia regime in Iran, that is fascist and suppresses all kinds of freedoms, is anti-female and anti-gay, and you ideologists with blinkered views are still living in the past and talking about "apartheid". You are irrelevant, and you will be left behind by history.


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