The Pope's visit
We welcome the Pope to Israel, even though he is the
leader of the Roman Catholic Church, which has a lot to answer for to the Jews.
Catholicism had a long terrible historic war against the Jews for 2,000 years,
as part of its replacement theology, namely that Christianity had replaced
Judaism as the chosen religion and if the Jews wouldn't give up they had to be
murdered out of existence. But, also their murderous war especially against
those Jews who were forcibly converted to Christianity, the New Christians or
conversos. This was clearly a racist as well as a religious war by the
Inquisition, the Holy Order of the Church, that arrested, tortured and murdered
conversos for 300 years whether they were sincere believing Christians
or not.
Now we are told that the Church has changed completely,
that they recognize Jews as senior cousins, whose God they appropriated, whose
Bible they adopted and whose demi-God was a practising Jew. Now we must
recognise that for the past 50 years the Popes have become civilized men,
against murdering Jews, against killing heretics and against even rampant child
sexual abuse in the priesthood. Mind you these changes have all been adopted
quite recently and you'll excuse me if I feel that we need more concrete
indicators of these changes than mere sentiment. What about returning the
millions of Jewish texts and art works and gold that they stole when they killed
their Jewish owners to enrich the Church. What about a public mea
culpa for the devastation they caused in Jewish lives. The King of Spain
apologized for the expulsion after 500 years, and now they are giving back
citizenships to the descendants. What will the Church do, give us all vouchers
to visit Rome?
The Church in its incarnation of Pope Francis has a
loving, smiling face. They do of course support the right to
self-determination of the Palestinians, which does to some extent bring them
into conflict with Israel. After all their self-determination is being bought
at the expense of death and destruction for Israeli citizens, especially when
Pres. Abbas is in unity with the Hamas terrorist organization. But, never mind,
we'll still give Pope Francis a welcome, more than Jews received by the Vatican
for a long, long time.
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