Own house in order
The State Department is continually preaching the Obama
liberal agenda to Israel, treating Israel as an equal of the Palestinians and
the other Arab States, and not as a true and loyal ally of the US. What other
country in the whole region can the US depend on, Turkey? Jordan? Egypt?
Lebanon? Iraq? Saudi Arabia? Afghanistan? Pakistan? From Europe clear across
the globe to east Asia there is no militarily capable and pro-western country
other than Israel. Yet, when Israel builds a few houses in Jerusalem, we are
criticized and talked down to, when the Knesset considers a bill regarding the
nature of Israel as a Jewish State, we are lectured on democracy. I say, put
your own house in order first. The rioting in Ferguson and across the US is
worse than the rioting in Jerusalem and the trigger-happy white cops in the US
are far worse than the border police in Israel, who have to deal with
Palestinian terrorists and rioters all the time.
It is demeaning and unnecessary for the State Dept.
spokesman to lecture the Israeli Government and Israeli legislators on what they
should or should not be doing. It is direct interference in the internal
affairs of a sovereign country, that the US would never do to other countries,
even its enemies. If the spokesman for the Israeli foreign ministry lectured
the US Government on how it should handle the riots in Ferguson, or its racial
problem, or its immigration problem, or the policies of the housing department
of Washington DC, would that be appropriate? Of course, not. So tell the US to
stop meddling in the interal affairs of Israel. We don't need the benefit of
your supercilious advice, we don't need to be lectured about
This is not only my opinion, but that of many Israeli legislators and officials. For example, Israeli Economy Minister Naftali Bennett stated:
"I say to the Americans that the affairs of the State of Israel - we will manage. At the end it is our problem. This is an internal issue and I think that no one has the right to intervene with it." I say to the US put your own house in order before you criticize us.
This is not only my opinion, but that of many Israeli legislators and officials. For example, Israeli Economy Minister Naftali Bennett stated:
"I say to the Americans that the affairs of the State of Israel - we will manage. At the end it is our problem. This is an internal issue and I think that no one has the right to intervene with it." I say to the US put your own house in order before you criticize us.
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