Thursday, July 27, 2006

The cowardice of their convictions

This is real hypocrisy - as only the EU can do it! They tell Israel that it should accept an immediate ceasefire, and then what? Of course, they want the ceasefire to hold, but how can it if there is no international force that can come in to enforce the ceasefire and prevent Hizbollah from continuing to control south Lebanon and to fire into Israel when it wants. But, these same countries are refusing to establish such an effective international force. As the Australian FM said, to send soldiers into southern Lebanon while Hizbollah is still active would be a "suicide mission." So they oppose Israel destroying Hizbollah but they also refuse to do anything to save Israel and Lebanon from Hizbollah. They are very good at passing UN resolutions, such as SC1559, but they are even better at self-righteous indignation. Condy Rice is the only one who seems to "get it!"
Another case of hypocrisy. What are the two most complained about results of the Israel-Hizbollah war? The "terrible toll" of civilian casualties and the huge number (estimated at 500,000) of displaced persons running away from the battlefield. But, Israel is purposely dropping leaflets telling civilians to leave certain areas in order to avoid civilian casualties. You can't have it both way, either criticize Israel for causing civilian casualties or for causing refugees, but not both!
About the number of civilian casualties, that look so bad when you see the actual bloodied faces up close on TV. But, in fact the number is extremely low. For example, the number is now estimated at 650 dead after 17 days of fighting! Given the thousands of IAF sorties that's less than 0.04 casualties per sortie, not a significant number. But, of these casualties, a high proportion are Hizbollah fighters or affiliates, including family members living in Hizbollah apartment blocks where they have their headquarters, that are hit by pinpoint Israeli strikes. In the Kossovo war, the NATO campaign against Serbia was considered to have had a very small number of casualties due to the US use of surgical strikes and the toll was, 600 dead. If we assume that ca. 50% in Lebanon are actual Hizbollah members, that reduces the civilian casualties to a very small number, but these are deliberately highly exaggerated by the media for emotional effect and by Lebanese and other spokesmen for propaganda effects. It works very well on naieve liberal westerners who watch TV as their main "News" source.
The soldiers are fighting a guerilla/terrorist insurgency against Shia forces that are funded and sponsored by Iran. The soldiers are taking casualties in heavy fighting, with ambushes, roadside bombs and suicide bombers. Its terrible, especially because the soldiers in this case are British soldiers in Basra and American soldiers in Baghdad.


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