Tuesday, December 19, 2006


One factor in the Iranian behavior towards Israel has not been commented on is their intention to humiliate the Jews. Denying the Holocaust is not a new phenomenon, but no country has eagerly embraced this policy since the end of WWII. But, what does the Iranian clerical regime really gain by doing this? In questioning the veracity of the murder of 6 million Jews during WWII, the Iranian regime is deliberately tryng to humiliate the Jews. What can the Jews do in response? Nothing!
The Iranians see their conference questioning the Holocaust as a continuation of the policies of the Nazi Hitler regime of Germany in WWII, since Pres. Ahmedinejad has made clear his intention of wiping Israel off the map. In this respect the fascist policies of his predecessors and the anti-Israel policies of the Islamic State fit neatly together. In carrying out their anti-Semitic program it was important to the Nazis/Germans not only to murder Jews, but at the same time also to humiliate them. Hence the "Arbeit macht frei" slogans, hence the forced labor and confiscations, hence the crude language with which the Germans degraded Jews. Now Iran, which is the successor Aryan State to that of the Nazis is looking for ways to show its disdain for all Jews. Given no opposition, Iran under Ahmedinejad, a convinced anti-Semite, will carry out similar humiliations.
So the anti-Holocaust conference was not only organized to question the factual scope of the anti-Jewish murders, but also as a means of giving a warning to the Jews, we will kill you but we will also humiliate you in any way we can first. The Iranian regime is busy repeating the classic anti-Semitic lessons that they learned from their German teachers, namely the Jewish "control of media/banks/politics etc." But, added to that is the Muslim mantra of the Jews destroying Islam, of Jewish plans to defeat and humiliate the Muslims. Although there is no hint of that in all Jewish literature or behavior (Islam was founded so much later than Judaism), they firmly believe it, and act accordingly (as did the Christians of Europe). So do not expect any change in their ethnic attitudes, they are firmly ingrained. Only a revolution from within Iran can change the situation and avert a major clash.


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