Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Two paths

Abba Eban's memorable remark that the "Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity," is very apt to the present situation.
Before the Palestinians there are two clear paths, one that could lead to a Palestinian State under the two-state solution and the Road Map. Alternatively, they can continue on their path that presumes that terrorism and war, including the destruction of Israel as a Jewish State, is in their best interests.
Secty. of State Rice and PM Olmert have done everything they could to bolster Pres. Abbas, and he has received significant financial support from the EU. But, nevertheless with the help of the Saudis he has caved in to Hamas, the more extreme organization. He has signed the Mecca agreement with them on behalf of Fatah that establishes a Unity Government for the PA that deliberately rejects the three conditions imposed by the international community through the Quartet that includes the US, UN, EU and Russia. By doing so the Palestinians have once again shown their tendency to take the most extreme and violent path, and have torpedoed all hopes of a so-called peace process. So the three way meeting that occured between them Monday was a facade, that only highlights the appeasement policy of the Americans and Israelis.
The American author Robert Frost wrote in his famous poem "The Road Not Taken" (1920):
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference."
Unfortunately, the Palestinians will never take the road less traveled, the one that leads to peace. It is clear now that they always tend to the more extreme position, they take any concession from Israel, such as the withdrawal/disengagement from Gaza as a sign of weakness, and use the land given up as a base from which to attack. If only they would take the other road, that would make all the difference. But, realistically they never will!


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