Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Free speech?

If the leader of a country openly threatened to destroy another member of the UN, such as the USA, would they stand by and allow him "freedom of speech" at the UN. I wonder? But, Israel not only has to swallow this, it is also accused at the same time of being against freedom of speech! What hypocrisy!
It's all very well for Columbia Univ President Bollinger to say that he would have given a platform to Hitler, but that is a debating trick. They say let all views be heard, but would they allow an avowed white racist to speak at Columbia? Or what about inviting Osama bin Laden? The fact is that Hitler would never have been allowed to enter the USA. However, now that the UN is there, the USA has an obligation to allow leaders of "enemy" countries to enter and to address the UN. For example, Fidel Castro has been allowed in several times, as well as Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.
But, that doesn't mean that a private institution has the obligation to give Ahmedinejad a free platform to express his views. And he will be clever, he is a first class manipulator of the media, and even some of those who say they are totally against his views, will be somewhat persuaded by him. Not only is he a glib demagogue, but also a consummate liar, such as when he says that he wants more research into the Holocaust (when he denies it) and that he is not pursuing development of atomic weapons (against all the evidence). Ahmedinejad repeatedly denies the terrible suffering of the Jewish people, but exaggerates that of the Palestinians for political purposes.
No, this is a decision based on a false premise, Ahmedinejad's freedom of expression is not being prevented, all the world's media will broadcast his speech at the UN. This is an extra filip for Columbia, a moment of fame and notoreity for Bollinger, even though he gave a "blistering" critical introduction. The young minds of Columbia do not need to be exposed to the prevarications of a mass murderer.
There must be consequences of actions and decisions. In response, I suggest we all, Jews and non-Jews alike, tell Columbia that we will not stand for this kind of insult and will not pay a cent to Columbia University in the future. For Ahmedinejad, it should be that he is shunned by the international community and the rest of the world. But, if they won't do that, then at least he should be strenuously opposed by those who believe in genuine freedom of speech (including for those in Iran) and of the right of existence for all peoples.


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