Sunday, November 25, 2007

Bad news from Israel

There was some bad news in Israel this week, that shows that we have achieved the impossible, we have become a nation like all other nations:
In Nahariya a case was reported by the National police spokesman "going beyond all red lines," concerning a criminal gang, the Mors, and the local police who were involved in a war with them. Nahariya is superficially a nice quiet seaside town in the far north of Israel. The Mor gang controls vice in Nahariya and does not like to be challenged. The police decided to go after them, but they responsed with incredible violence, apparently 40 grenades (!) have been thrown at police stations, city buildings, and the homes of police and politicians, although none was killed (so far in Netanya in a similar fight only one grenade has been thrown at the house of the Mayor). They also fired a rocket (!) at the main police station.
In response, because the police felt they were hampered in this war by the limitations of what they could do under the law, the police officer in charge sought the help of a civilian bomb expert, and with four other policmen they rigged bombs under the car of the head mafia boss and in the bedroom window of his cousin, also a leading gang member. The former failed to go off, but the second one did, although noone was killed. The National Police Investigative squad was called in and solved the case and arrested the six men involved. There is now talk of forming an Israeli type of FBI that will deal with these organized crime cases. At present the six men and their families are under 24 hour police protection.
It was reported that an active duty IDF soldier was arrested for stealing weapons when a huge cache of arms was discovered in his home. He was also charged with aiding the enemy during the Second Lebanon war by dismantling bombs planted by IDF forces and collecting weapons off the battlefield. He was apparently intending to use these weapons and explosives to carry out bombings in Israel. The identity of the soldier was not revelaled, but he may face up to 10 years in a military prison.
In another case, a Major in the IDF reserves was arrested for attempting to sell classified information to the enemy. David Shamir (45), a pyschiatrist in the Medical Corps, apparently offered his services for money to the Iranians, the Russians and Hamas. He wrote two e-mails to the Iranian Foreign Ministry in Tehran trying to offer his services, and also sent faxes to the Iranian Embassies in London and Turkey. He also approached the Russian secret service and the Hamas-controlled al-Khazar University in the Gaza Strip. He offered information on IDF emergency plans, military depots and hospitals, as well as his desire to obtain classifed information at their behest. Apparently no actual classified information was passed, but upon being arrested, Major Shamir confessed to the crimes. He was responsible for drug treatments, and may also be charged with drug offences.
This is all apart from the usual killings (shootings of wives and girlfriends), stabbings (by youth outside nightclubs) and road carnage (on average more than one person a day is killed on the roads). Well, after all, it seems that we're like everyone else, maybe more so!


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