Monday, March 03, 2008

The Brick Wall Strategy

Every time the IDF counter-attacks Hamas in Gaza for the constant barrage of rockets onto Israeli territory, there are two charges that are raised, and not just by the local anti-Israel village idiots, but by such illustrious personages such as the Secty. Gen. of the UN, Ban-Ki Mun.
The first of these idiotic charges is that Israel uses "disproportionate force" in responding to Palestinian attacks. What should Israel do, lob unguided rockets over the border randomly at Palestinian civilians, would that be proportionate? Why should we not destroy Palestinian buildings, even when they are empty, especially when they are used as offices from which terrorism is organized and where rockets are stored. Why should we put our soldiers in harms way when we can accomplish the military aim from the air using advanced technology, just to give equality to the aggressors and to satisfy some strange sense of fairness that many Europeans particularly feel for the terrorists who start these exchanges. In fact, the IDF uses as much force as is needed to accomplish its objectives, but there is certainly a problem with the asymmetrical levels of military capability on both sides, but why should that be used to hamper our success, why should we fight with one hand tied behind our backs in order to placate good liberals whose countries have carpet bombed each other in living memory! Why should we do less than the US and Britain are currently doing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Yes, there will be civilian casualties, but when reports are given, the proportion of such casualties is suspiciously high, and its not only because the terrorists are irregulars, dressed in civilian clothes and routinely claimed as civilians by the Palestinian medical service. Clearly there is deliberate manipulation of the numbers, when noone clearly knows how many were killed and how many were holding a gun or assisting them. We are all truly sorry for the deaths of innocent children, but the Palestinians bring it on themselves by continually pin-pricking us. A giant will react to such attacks with anger even though they are sub-lethal.
The other farcical claim is that of "humanitarian crisis." The Gazans live in a deprived state, where they have almost no work or economy, since they maintain themselves in a constant state of war with Israel. If they stopped attacking us and cooperated in material development, of course they would be better off. But, since they are already in a state of virtual humanitarian crisis, this war situation brought on by them actually makes little difference to their situation. It is their very ability and readiness to suffer that allows such a situation to continue.
It has been claimed that Israel's closing of the border and interruption of the flow of oil, etc. is causing a humanitarian crisis! Yet, actually Israel still supplies 65% of the electrical needs of the Gaza Strip from its own grid (Egypt supplies 30% and Israel reduced its supply by only 5% so far). All the food, water and medical supplies Gaza needs were still being trucked across the border, although these have been interrupted now by the fighting. In addition, Egypt has opened its border with Gaza at Rafah to allow casualties to cross and supplies to go in. So there is no "humanitarian crisis" in Gaza and there is very unlikely to be one. PM Olmert has specifically stated several times that he will not allow such a situation to develop in Gaza. But, if the Palestinain civilians suffer from shortages and casualties I have little sympathy with them, they keep beating their heads against a brick wall and expect it not to hurt!


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