Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Mashaal interview

Last night on Sky News I watched an interview of Khaled Mashaal, Head of Hamas in Damascus, by their international correspondent Tim Marshall. Marshall did a good job in asking Mashaal direct questions about his role as the chief terrorist for a nefarious organization that targets civilians. But, although it is acceptable that Western journalists interview such people, and although the interview itself revealed the hypocrisy of such a person speaking as if he is a civilized man, what made the issue worse was that Sky News then put their own anti-Israel spin on repeated excerpts of the interview. They particularly chose one clip in which Mashaal complained that they have only "primitive" weapons, so they cannot avoid hitting civilians, and if the US or Israel would agree to give them more accurate weapons he would make an agreement with Israel to avoid hitting civilians!
This is so ludicrous that it beggars belief, yet there was the Sky anchor woman actually challenging the Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Ron Prosor, as to whether or not Israel would accept such an agreement with Hamas! Not only is this ludicrous on its face (why would their enemies supply them with more accurate weapons, so they can kill more civilians?) but the sheer stupidity of this challenge. Would an anchor challenge a US Ambassador to have the US make an agreement with Osama bin Laden, as if he were equal to the Pres. of the USA.
This "moral relativity" is sickening, as if the killer of thousands of civilians is a fit subject for such credibility. Everyone knows that Hamas deliberately targets civilians while the IDF has standing orders to avoid doing so. As has been said many times, the deliberate killing of innocent men, women and children is not equivalent to the accidental "collateral damage" in which civilians are killed in a war action. As Prosor pointed out, Hamas in Gaza celebrated when 8 yeshiva students were massacred in Jerusalem by a Palestinian terrorist a few weeks ago.
Another selection that Sky repeated was the statement by Mashaal that the Israeli captive Gilad Shalit is "alive and well." However, does one accept the word of a notorious killer, without a shred of evidence. Shalit has been held for 2 years without a visit from any international agency, such as the Red Cross, and this is against all international conventions. He was not challenged with this failure.
Finally, on Hamas TV in Gaza, in the children's programs, a Palestinian child is shown killing Pres. Bush at the White House. The White House is shown as a Mosque, and the child refuses Bush entry and then accuses him of killing his family members in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. This is the Hamas that we know so well.


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