Monday, October 05, 2009

Iran first

Once again the questions of Iran and Palestine are being considered by the international community. Many leaders, including US Pres. Obama and Quartet representative Tony Blair, put the solution of the Palestine problem first, they argue that once this conflict is resolved, the Muslims will become our friends and all other disputes can be resolved. This is nonsense, as any one familiar with the Muslim world and its violent culture will attest.
But, this attitude allows those who hold it to make two evasions, first they are taking the Arab line in pressing for a solution of the Palestine problem, thus reducing Arab pressure on them, and second they avoid dealing with the Iran situation head-on.
Since Iran is committed to the destruction of Israel and since it funds and supports the armies of Hizbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, there is no possibility that there can be peace in "Palestine" until Iran is defeated. The current situation is a standoff, with the two armed forces poised north and south of Israel waiting for the next opportunity to pounce.. They both received a drubbing at Israel's hands, Hizbollah in the 2004 Second Lebanon war and Hamas in the 2006 Operation Cast Lead. But, in neither case were they decisively defeated, and in each case they have rebuilt their capability even more, Hizbollah by supplies from Syria, against UN SC resolution, and Hamas by smuggling thru tunnels from Egypt. What are they waiting for? They are waiting for a signal from Iran!
Unless Iran is fundamentally changed, either by severe sanctions, internal regime change or by military attack, there can be no change in the Palestine arena. Having negotiations between Israel and the PA is like fiddling while Rome burns, an exercise in futility. Nothing Abbas can agree to can change the basic equation while armies commited to the destruction of Israel are poised north and south to attack, and Iran is the key to this problem. Remove the Iranian threat first and only then can the Palestine conflict be tackled seriously.


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