Monday, November 09, 2009

Radical chic all over again

It seems that today many good liberals would rather take casualties than take the chance of dissing a Muslim. The current politically correct multi-culturalism is to take chances with lives rather than take chances with hurt feelings.
This reminds me of the "radical chic" of the 1960's-70's, as exemplified by Tom Wolfe who coined that phrase in his famous essay "These Radical Chic Evenings," that satirized a benefit Leonard Bernstein organized on behalf of the Black Panther Party. At this party white upper class, wealthy and famous socialites, including people from show business such as Otto Preminger and Barbara Walters, mixed with black radicals. Many of the white liberals were Jewish, including not only Bernstein, but many of his friends. For the occasion Bernstein employed white servants.
By this time the NAACP and other such mainstream organizations had become passe to the black radicals and to the wealthy liberals who wished to support the cause of black empowerment. So they chose to privately support the most extreme, anti-white, racist black radicals. The Black Panther Party not only had been engaged in shoot-outs with the police, but had declared that they would not take any support from whitey. Yet they were prepared to mix with the white hoi-polloi because there was plenty of money in it for them, and not a little sex. We should remember that Bernstein himself was a very active homosexual. So the Black Panthers, many of whom were little more than Ghetto thugs, came away from these benefits with tens of thousands of dollars in their pockets and a few good friends.
One of the poor fools sucked into this PC nonsense was the actress Jean Seberg. She was chosen by Otto Preminger to be Joan in his movie "Joan of Ark" at the age of 19. She was a beautiful blonde from Kansas (one cannot make this kind of thing up) and one suspects that to be chosen she was less scrupulous than her Lutheran Mid-West upbringing. But, she evidently got in over her head.
One day she was on a plane going from LA to SF or vice versa and happened to sit next to a member of the Black Panther party. Being a good liberal she not only chatted with him, but when he challenged her liberalism, she agreed to meet him and to give money to the cause. She did this, and also slept with him. That was the beginning of the end for her.
Her film career reached a high when she starred in the French movie "Breathless" directed by Jean-Luc Goddard in Paris. She married a French movie director and then divorced him to marry French author Romain Gary, a Lithuanian Jew who wrote a book entitled "The dance of Genghis Cohn," with whom she had a son.
After that her life went downhill. While filming in Mexico she had an affair with a Mexican radical (word gets around) with whom she had a daughter who died two days after birth. She returned to Paris, where Gary divorced her. She was "taken for a ride" by a Muslim Algerian who stole her money and beat her up. She ended back in Paris severely depressed and was found dead in her car from an overdose of drugs in 1979, aged 40.
I don't want to imply that anyone who is a liberal who indulges in "radical chic" to the extent that Seberg did is likely to end up the way she did. But ask some of the people in Fort Hood if they would have preferred to upset Major Nidal Malik Hasan by having him arrested on suspicion rather than have him free to carry out his nefarious massacre.


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