Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Mosque at ground zero

President Obama has come out in favor of building the Mosque near ground zero, close to the location of the 9/11 attack where 3,000 people were killed by Muslim extremists. He said, "As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable."

While I agree with Pres. Obama that religious freedom must be protected, the question of the location of this Mosque and Community Center is really the issue. Why build it there? Isn't that showing extreme insensitivity, both to the survivors and their families as well as to the US in general. Isn't this a typical case of Muslim ascendency, of "rubbing their noses in it." I might not believe this is deliberate if it were not for the fact that historically this is precisely what Islam has done repeatedly. For example, when the Muslims captured Jerusalem, they destroyed the Byzantine Church that was built in place of the Jewish Temple, and built their Mosques in place of it, the Mosques of Omar and the Dome of the Rock are built directly on the ruins of the Temple and the Church. When the Muslims captured Constantinople, they renamed it Istanbul and built minarets at each corner of the Hagia Sophia, the largest Church in the world, and transformed it into a Mosque. The Christians did the same thing, when the Spanish forces captured Cordoba they built a Cathedral right in the center of the magnificent Great Mosque, an act of architectural as well as religious desecration.

It is for this reason that the organization that is behind the planning and purchasing of this site for the building of the Mosque and Community Center is called "the Cordova Initiative," a name that would otherwise mean nothing to the unitiated. Building this Mosque right next to the site of the 9/11 destruction carried out by Muslims is a step in the process of restoring the rightful place of Islam in Cordova and in Jerusalem. Certainly the Community Center could be used for inter-faith dialog, but let's face it, all of us know that one or two or a few Islamist extremists will "infiltrate" this Mosque, as they have done elsewhere, and will then plan and organize further attacks against the infidels. This is not just a possibility it is a certainty. It is for this reason that I oppose such a politically motivated initiative to build a Mosque, with all due tolerance, at this location. It is for this reason that I oppose Pres. Obama and Mayor Bloomberg and all the others who pretend to be "holier than thou." Let them build a Mosque and Community Center elsewhere, in the center of Central Park, but let them not "score points" by deliberately building a Mosque at the site of their greatest victory over American democracy.


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