Palestine Unity Government
The Palestinian Unity Government (PUG) will be officially
installed today in Ramallah, a supposedly technocratic
government that results from the reconciliation between Fatah (PLO) in the West
Bank and Hamas in Gaza. Note that it is not an elected government, but an
appointed one. As of today the two territories are again theoretically under
one government. What resulted in this reconciliation deal, what caused Hamas
on the one hand and Fatah on the other hand to bury the hatchet and join
forces? The answer to this question reveals a lot about the current situation
and the interests of the two forces.
The main factor was that Hamas backed the wrong horse in
Egypt. After the revolution against the military dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak,
Hamas joined forces with its sister organization the Muslim Brotherhood. In
fact Hamas is the Palestinian offshoot of the Egyptian MB, and they have like
aims and interests. However, when Gen. al Sisi took over and deposed Pres.
Morsi, and declared the MB illegal, so Hamas too was ousted from influence in
Egypt. Since Sinai had become an essentially lawless area, Hamas was using the
peninsula for its own nefarious purposes. But, now the Egyptian military
government is using its forces to not only attack the terrorist groups in Sinai,
but has also to blocked off all the tunnels that Hamas was using to smuggle
goods into Gaza, that they were taxing and earning large sums from. So this
represented a double whammy for Hamas, not only did they lose their sponsor in
Egypt, but they also lost most of their income from the smuggling trade.
At the same time, because Hamas decided to support the
Sunni opposition to pro-Shia Pres. Assad in Syria, they lost their influence
there and were forced to leave Damascus. Only yesterday a meeting was held in
Lebanon between Sheikh Nasrullah of Hizbollah and the Chairman of Hamas Abu
Marzook, in order to try to mend fences with Iran. But, because Hamas has lost
influence and income both in Egypt and in Syria, they needed to quickly change
their situation. They went back to the old formula of mending fences with their
former Palestinian enemies in Fatah.
At the same time the leaders of Fatah under Pres. Abbas,
who incidentally has not been a legally elected President of the PA for the past
six years, was looking for a way out of the US-sponsored American deal with
Israel. Abbas was in no position to make any deal with Israel, not only because
he personally fears for his own life if he does, but because he cannot deliver
Fatah and certainly not Hamas. It is more in keeping with his interests to also
return to a unity deal with Hamas, rather than make peace with the hated enemy
The new Unity Government is supposed to be one of
technocrats, so that neither Fatah nor Hamas can claim it as their own. But,
whereas Abbas says that the new Palestinian Government is one that wants peace
with Israel, and he repeated this to Secty of State Joohn Kerry today, Hamas
immediately contradicted him and not only fired mortars into Israel, but also
issued blood-curdling threats of destroying Israel. As far as they are
concerned nothing has changed. Israel rightly has stated that as soon as the
unity Government that includes the terrorist Hamas comes into power they will
cease all cooperation with the PA Government, including payment of taxes
collected by Israel for the PA.
The Quartet of the US, EU, UN and Russia agrees that the
new PA Government must accept the three conditions, of ceasing violence
(terrorism), accepting Israel's right to exist and accepting all previous
agreements. But, so far the EU and US have hedged their bets and avoided making
a decision on the Unity Government, in the vain hope that the new Government
will actually be more like Fatah than like Hamas. But, there is no hope
whatsoever of that happening. Catherine Ashton of the EU and Secty. Kerry of the
US must soon accept the reality and reject the legitimacy of this bastard
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