The Muslim players
One of my devoted readers asked me to clarify who are all
the Muslim players now active in the region, the number of extremist groups is
so extensive it becomes over-whelming.
Here is the basic state of play:
The major division in the Muslim world is between the
Sunni (based on the Arabic for "tradition"), that
forms about 75% of all Muslims in the world, and the
Shia or Sh'ite (based on the
Arabic for "the party"). [This schism comes from the
earliest days of Islam and developed over the succession to Mohammed the
Prophet. Since he failed to specify his successor, his leading followers
decided to appoint one of their own as his successor and he was called the
Caliph. But, the Shia believe that this was unacceptable and that only the
actual "seed" of Mohammed could be leader of the Muslim world, and that was his
grandson Ali. The dispute came to a head at the battle of Kerbala (now in Iraq)
where Ali's son Hussein and his followers were defeated and Hussein was killed. Although the
Shia comprise only ca. 25% of the Muslim world, because they are predominant in
Iran, they constitute 40% of the Muslim population of the Middle
The first organization to propose a political form of
Islam to wage war against the West was the Muslim Brotherhood
(MB), founded in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna, an Egyptian who visited
the USA and then wrote books against the spiritual corruption of the
In the modern era, terrorism by Sunni Muslim groups was
started by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
in the 1960's, including airplane hijackings. The PLO consists of various
groups, including Fatah and the Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). But they were
predominantly nationalist and socialist. The failure of these groups and
various Arab dictators, such as Nasser or Assad, to either defeat Israel or to
improve the lot of their people, led to a resurgence of Islamist views within
Muslim society. Hamas or the Palestine branch of the
Muslim Brotherhood was probably the first.such terrorist group.
Following the successful Afghan war against the Soviet
Union, al Qaeda (meaning the base) of Osama bin
Laden turned its attentions against the West and declared war on the US. The
9/11 incident was the first major successful attack by an Islamist group against
the US.
In Lebanon after the civil war, all the sectarian militias
disarmed except Hizbollah, the Shia terrorist
organization, supported by Iran and the Assad regime, which is dominated by the
Alawite minority (ca. 12%) in Syria that are an offshoot of the Shia. The
Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRG) is the military
organization that trains and supports Hizbollah (and formerly Hamas), and
particularly its sections the Basij and the
al Quds Force.
The so-called Arab Spring, or uprisings against the
military dictatorships in the Arab world, resulted in theoverthrow of Pres.
Mubarak in Egypt and several others. In Egypt, the Army eventually overthrew
the MB Pres. Morsi and retook power, followed by the election of Pres. al-Sisi.
In Syria, the opposition to Pres Assad was initially led by moderate elements
and the Free Syrian Army. But, eventually the
fighting was largely taken over by an Islamist groups affiliated with al
Qaeda including the al Nusrah Front. The al Nusrah
front split again and formed the Islamic State in Iraq and
Syria (ISIS) also called ISIL, where L
represents the Levant, including Syria and Lebanon. After they had expanded and
made great strides in Iraq, taking over most of the Sunni-dominted Anbar
province, they changed their name to simply the Islamic
State IS. [Although al Qaeda, al Nusrah and IS
have overall the same aims, to defeat the West and establish a Muslim Caliphate,
their priorities are different and they occasionally clash. Al Qaeda
concentrates on attacking the West, particularly the USA, the al Nusrah Front
concentrates on defeating Assad, who is supported by Shia Iran, and IS
concentrates on establishing the Caliphate in what was Syria and
The Kurds are an independent force, who have enclaves in
northern Iraq, termed the Kurdish Autonomous Region (KAR) with their army the
Pesh Merga, and in northern Syria with their fighters
the People's Protection Units (YPG). They are
currently battling against IS in Kobani. Apart form that there are Islamist
groups fighting in Nigeria, the Boko Haram, in Kenya
and Somalia Al Shabaab, in Yemen and in practically
all parts of the Muslim world.
Overall there are about 20 different groups fighting on
Assad's side in the Syrian Civil War and about 20 on the opposition side. Each
group has its own sectarian, political and military preferences. What will come
out of this mess eventually is impossible to predict.
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