Friday, November 28, 2014

Follow IsBlog

Dear friend:

You have been receiving the daily postings from my blog, IsBlog (Israel Blog) that I have been sending to you by e-mail.  In order to improve and update my process, I am changing to a new format.  In future, the postings that I place on the website, will automatically be sent to you by e-mail, once you have added your e-mail address to the site as a follower.
If you want to continue receiving my blog, then you only have to do this once:
  • simply go to
  • find "Follow Blog Via Email" on the right hand side
  • insert your e-mail address into the box and press the 'Click to Follow' button
  • You will then receive an email from Wordpress where you must click the 'Confirm Follow' button in order to receive my blog.
This will enable me to simplify my process and also enable me to expand the number of recipients that has, until now, been limited by the number of e-mails that can be sent from the e-mail server.
I modestly hope you will choose to continue to receive my brilliant, incisive, informative and sometimes humorous missives.
Best regards
Jack Cohen


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