Saturday, October 07, 2006


In Germany they have found a massacre site containing over 50 bodies dating from WWII. What is unique about these bodies is that they were mostly German children! They were killed under Nazi regulations, allowing doctors to murder children that they deemed inferior, namely disabled, mentally retarded and/or violent children. This was an attempt to improve the Aryan race by "weeding out" inferior elements. In essence, it was a racially motivated program, that resulted in approximately 70-100,000 German children being murdered, without the knowledge or permission of their parents! The secret program was called T4 after the location at Tiergarten 4, where is was conceived in Berlin, and was personally signed for by Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany (hence no saying he didn't know about it).
This program was conceived by a group of bureaucrats, much like the Jewish extermination program was at the Wansee conference held in Berlin, where representatives of various ministries met to decide and to organize the program of extermination. The T4 program was conceived as a means to improve the Aryan race by the Center for Hygiene and as such it had the enthusiastic support of the Nazi regime. Five locations were selected around Germany, where children who fit into the various categories defined were sent for medical evaluation. If they were deemed to be "inferior" (which usually meant disabled and/or retarded) the doctor in charge (at first three doctors were supposed to decide, but in practice that soon became one) could by a signature have the child killed. Usually the killing was done by injection by the doctor and/or nurses, and the children were cremated on the premises. At no point was there any interaction with the parents. Afterwards the parents were told that their child had died of natural causes while in a medical facility.
Each of these medical facilties had crematoria connected to them, and there were complaints by the neighbors of the terrible smoke and smell. However, no-one did anything about it, because it was Nazi Germany during WWII. Because the bulk of the children killed were cremated, there was, until now, little tangible evidence of the T4 program. Now the discovery of this massacre site, where children's bodies were dumped, has produced a stark reminder of the criminal sickness of the Nazi regime.
Until now successive German Governments have avoided giving out details of this program because they argued that it was a medical program and that the records were covered by patient confidentiality rules. However, that is manifestly ridiculous, since it was actually a killing program, and the doctors were breaking their hippocratic oaths ("first, do no harm") and murdering their patients.
Incidentally, there is no scientific evidence that such euthenasia programs in any way "improve" the genetic status of the "race," since the proportion of naturally disabled and mentally retarded people is relatively constant throughout all societies. The British had a big program to rid the Isles of persons with "criminal tendencies" during the 18th and 19th centuries, hence they shipped many thousands of criminals to Georgia in the American colonies, and later Australia. However, statistics show that even after this incredible expulsion, there was no significant change in the level of criminality in Great Britain.
The T4 program was only one of a series of such programs adopted by the Nazi regime that was racially motivated. By considering disabled children inferior, as they considered Jews, Gypsies, Blacks and homosexuals, it was easily possible to bureaucratically remove them from society. However the murder of millions of human beings, mostly Jews, was a very messy business that could not be covered up once the war was over.


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