Friday, December 22, 2006

Muslim violence

A ceasefire was signed between Hamas and Fatah in Gaza on Thursday to try to halt the slide of the PA towards civil war. On Wednesday six were killed in gun battles in Gaza and on Thursday two more. But, just as in Iraq the chance of actually halting the violence is slim. Why is this? Is it because Arab/Muslim culture is prone to solving political problems violently? Everywhere you look in the Muslim world there is violent insurrection, in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, and now in Somalia and Sudan. And this has spread far and wide from Afghanistan to Algeria. The Muslims are not the source of all violence in the world, look for example at Sri Lanka where Hindus are battling Buddhists, but, nevertheless, violence seems to be endemic in the Arab/Muslim world.
Here is a speech given by James Baker: "To solve the conflict in Somalia we need first to solve the core problem, the Arab-Israel dispute. To do this is simple, all you have to do is talk to Syria and Iran, and give them something they want. We have decided that if Israel gives Syria the Golan that will satisfy them, for a time. We should also be prepared to sacrifice Lebanon for the greater good." No he didn't actually give this speech, but he and a wide range of shallow politicians who are basically anti-Israel could have done so.
Yesterday I saw Sen. John Kerry on TV while visiting Israel after the PA. He spoke for 5 mins and everything he said was a cliche: "this is a crucial moment in the Middle East, we need to have peace for both peoples, the situation in Iraq can only be improved if we can resolve the core Israel-Arab conflict, in order to do this we must have two states living side-by-side in peace, a state for the Palestinains and security for Israel, but the Palestinians must recognize Israel's right to exist and that means supporting Pres. Abbas in his clash with Hamas,....." This could have been spoken by a robot, these phrases roll off the tongues of uninformed and shallow politicians as if they actually meant something, but its all superficial. Why don't they just say that nothing can be done until the Palestinians give up the use of violence, until then everything else is talk. And as for the rest of the Muslims, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and elsewhere, their conflicts have nothing whatsoever to do with Israel and everything to do with the Muslim propensity towards violence.


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