Thursday, April 03, 2008

On rights

There was once a land that was invaded by foreign forces. The inhabitants were overpowered and forced into small enclaves. By rights the former inhabitants should have the "right of return," except that I doubt if many Welsh or Celts would claim back Britain that was overpowered by the Angles and Saxons and then in turn by the Vikings and Normans. Eventually, after centuries of conflict and massacre the whole gemisch of peoples, Celts, Angles, Saxons, Vikings and Normans became the British.
There was once another land that was invaded by foreign forces. The inhabitants were overpowered and forced into small enclaves. By rights the former inhabitants should have the "right of return," except I doubt that there are many American Indians (or Native Americans or "First Peoples" in Canada) that would demand the "right of return" to their original lands.
There was once yet another land that was invaded by foreign forces. The inhabitants were overpowered and forced into small enclaves. By rights the former inhabitants should have the "right of return," except that in this case the "foreign forces" were the original inhabitants returned after 2000 years to rejoin their remaining people in their own Land. Since these people were the Jews and the Land was Eretz Yisrael, there is no "right of return" of the Arab usurpers. Perhaps eventually the Arabs will reconcile themselves to the presence of the Jews and our State of Israel, and if they do then a civilized existence can result for both peoples. However, until they do and while they still retain the belief that they can defeat us through terrorism and war, then we must continue to fight them and defeat them and deliver them from this delusion.
Many of the countries which were subject to invasions in the past became countries of immigration and have become the target of international immigrations in the present. These include the USA, Canada, Britain, France, Israel, all of which have accepted millions of immigrants from all over the world. By contrast, the enemies of the West have been countries of exclusion, Nazi Germany, Communist Russia and China, and now Islamist Iran. All of them were/are motivated by a central dogma of superiority and opposition to the influence of "western ideals" of freedom and human rights. In this continuing clash it is always a case of fighting to uphold those freedoms and rights that have developed over time in the West through the efforts of many peoples and individuals, not least the Jews, whose ethical and moral practices started the whole process.


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