Friday, October 09, 2009

Israeli foreign policy

This letter appeared in the J. Post, Oct 8, 2009:

Foreign Minister Lieberman is right in trying to develop a new foreign policy for the State of Israel, based on less dependence on the USA ("Lieberman seeks to fashion..." Oct. 7). As the current situation with Pres. Obama demonstrates, the US can be an unreliable ally while seeking to placate and appease enemy nations. One avenue to consider is to try to forge an alliance of small countries, those with (say) less than 10 million people. This would include some current allies of Israel, such as Costa Rica, Fiji, New Zealand, as well as a host of smaller nations. What distinguishes these nations is that they each have a single vote at the UN - just as the US - and are fed up with being marginalized and pushed around by the great powers, such as Georgia by Russia.
Jack Cohen

The letter was written in response to the J. Post article (Oct. 7) about FM Lieberman's proposal to re-fashion Israeli foreign policy away from total dependence on the USA and total focus on the Palestinian issue. He believes that Israel would benefit by expanding its interests to many other issues with many other countries. Given it's scientific and technical advances, Israel could be a leader in helping poorer, smaller countries getting out of their difficulties and improving their situation with the typical Israeli hands-on aid, rather than just accepting food and money from the West (a lot of which is stolen anyway).


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