Sunday, October 11, 2009

Outrageous accusations

Sometimes I receive e-mails that purport to be true that contain the most outrageous and scurrilous asccusations. For example, that Pres. Ahmedinejad of Iran, yes the one who denies the Holocaust, is partly Jewish! And that on Pres. Obama's official website there is an entry that equates Israelis with Nazis! What a world.

The story about Ahmedinejad is from the London Daily Telegraph, a very reputable paper, that reveals that one of his grandparents was named Sabourjian, a typically Jewish name in Iran that means "cloth weaver." The interesting thing is that in his earlier life this surname was included in his identity card, but in later years it seems to have disappeared. So, anyone wondering why Ahmedinejad is so much more anti-Semitic than the average Iranian now knows, that it is almost certainly that typcial form of Jewish over-compensation, to be more Catholic than the Pope, or in this case more Islamic than the Ayatollah. Such hatred and blindness to facts can only come from someone who is trying to hide something, forom someone who has a severe psychological problem. Unfortunately, even if this is true it hardly changes anything, since Ahmedinejad is clearly a pliant creature of the Imams and has been selected to be their representative, vote or no vote. (see: )

The other entry in these examples of outrageousness comes from the website "Obama for America" in which it is stated:

Nazi Israel … Indeed

Richard Falk, the professor of international law at Princeton University and the UN’s special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories, had accused Israel of violating international law, international humanitarian laws, and the Geneva Convention. He described Israel’s policies against Palestinians and its siege of Gaza as “war crimes”, “genocidal tendencies”, “holocaust implications”, and “holocaust-in-the-making”. He urged the International Criminal Court to look into the possibility of indicting Israeli leaders for war crimes.

The fact is that Richard Falk was selected to fill this position because he is known to be anti-Israel (and a Jew, like Goldstone). But, to repeat this kind of slander against Israel in an official Obama web site is too much. After it was repeatedly criticized it was eventually removed from the site (see: ).


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