Monday, August 23, 2010

Honest BBC!

Can it be that the millennium has come, that the world has turned upside down and that life will never be the same? I ask this because the BBC has run a Panorama program that is judged as "pro-Israel" or at the very least "balanced." The program in question is an in-depth investigation of the Turkish flotilla incident of May when 6 ships attempted to break the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza.

In an unusual exception, the IDF allowed the BBC investigators direct access to the naval commandos who were involved in the incident. The program also used video from several members of the flotilla, including so-called "peace activists" from several of the boats, including some on the Mavi Marmara, where 9 Turks were killed. In fact, this program outcome should not be unusual, but the BBC team for a change reported the unadorned truth, namely that the IHH Turkish Muslim extremists had prepared for battle in advance, had said that they were prepared to die as "martyrs", and were armed and dangerous. Not only did they have iron bars that they cut from the boat's infrastructure, against the wishes of the crew, but they also had knives and a few guns. The second IDF commando who rappelled down onto the deck was in fact shot. What is unusual about this BBC program is that they reported it this way, untainted by the usual anti-Israel bias

Before this program was even broadcast there were demonstrations against the BBC in London and in several other cities. The groups involved in these protests are well known anti-Israel extremists, including the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the Muslim Public Affairs Committee. They are anti-Israel to the core and care nothing for the facts and what actually happened. Their spokesmen claimed that there had been armed conflicts on all the boats, which is untrue, it was only on the Mavi Marmara, and they claimed that the Turkish "peace activists" had been shot unprovoked by the IDF commandos. This was not true, as any reasonable person can see with their own eyes. Further, the commandos were armed with paint-ball rifles for crowd control, but luckily had pistols at their sides. They won't make this mistake again.

The repercussions of this Report are difficult to predict. For the first time the lies of the genuflecting anti-Israel organizations have been exposed by the BBC itself. For the first time, the outcome of a balanced investigation has exonerated the IDF and its actions (compare for example the UN sponsored investigation of Operation Cast Lead, as well as the BBC and other channels biased reporting of it). Other flotillas are apparently being planned, one is supposed to leave from Tripoli, Lebanon, but so far has been postponed several times. They would apparently have to stop in Cyprus, and the Cypriot Government has announced that it will not allow them to continue. Also, George Galloway, now out of a job as MP, is organizing another of his "Free Gaza" flotillas. But, so far he was unable to obtain sufficient funding. We may have passed the worst as far as flotillas for Gaza are concerned. Not only is Gaza's situation improving, but people can see more clearly that these flotillas are purely publicity seeking stunts and not really "humanitarian" in origin. If the organizers were really motivated by humanitarian causes they should be organizing flotillas to Pakistan or to almost any Arab country, for example Syria or Egypt, where the standard of living is worse than that in Gaza.

(to see the whole video go to:


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