This letter appeared in The Jerusalem Post, June
6, 2014:
I was gratified that the Israeli Ministry of Education has
finally taken the decision to teach evolution at the middle school level
("Middle schools in Israel to begin teaching Darwin's theory," June
1) . To those who doubt the basis of evolution I would point out that evolution
is not a theory, it is a fact. In other words, species have
evolved and changed over long periods of time. What is theory is how this
process has occurred.
Some might think that God was responsible for this
process, a theory called "creationism." Darwin's theory of "the survival of the
fittest" and "adaptation by means of natural selection," that he published in
"On the Origin of Species" in 1859, is as far as we know correct,
except that Darwin could not know how this process occurred fundamentally,
because he did not know about genetics.
The work of Gregor Mendel that established genetics was
not presented until 1865 and the work of Friederich Miescher who discovered what
was to later to be known as DNA did not occur until 1869. Now, much later, the
subsequent findings of genetics and molecular biology fully support what we know
about how evolution has occurred.
It is only ignorance that leads people to still deny
evolution. We must ensure that in this modern world our children are not
brought up ignorant of one of the most important issues of our times, namely how
man and animals have evolved.
Jack Cohen
Retired Professor of Pharmacology, Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology
It is interesting to note that Gregor Mendel was a monk and Charles Darwin
was a devout Christian, who spent many hours agonizing over how his findings
would influence Christian belief. I must admit that those religious opponents
of the teaching of evolution, both in England (such as Bishop Wilberforce in the
Huxley debates) and in the USA (such as William Jennings Brian in the Scopes
trial) were right to fear the impact of secular education, it has undermined
unquestioning belief in religions. Apart from this there is the impact of other
events, such as the Holocaust, that led to the valid question, "where was God
while innocent Jews were being massacred?" But, we must never forget that the
basis of secular belief is built on a firm foundation of facts and conclusions
that were hard fought for and attained at great price.
I would like to emphasize that the term "natural selection"
introduced by Darwin implies that the selection of new species was "natural",
i.e. not directed, as is human selection of domesticated animals and plants or
divine selection either by an imagined "intelligent designer" or by a God.
There is a well-known philosophical rule known as "Occam's razor" or "Occam's
rule," that says that if there are two possible explanations for a problem, then
one is required to take the simplest explanation. As applied to evolution this
means that we are required to take the explanation of "natural selection" rather
than presume selection by an unknown external force.
Note: My lecture on "DNA:a history of the discovery of the structure
and function of the genetic substance" is now available on-line on my
website at www.jackcohenart/Lectures.html
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