Military blunders
David Lawrence-Young, a retired history teacher and author
originally from the UK, gave a lecture on "Military blunders" at Netanya-AACI.
He first defined what is meant by a military blunder, either a mistake by an
individual or group or a misunderstanding of orders, or a mistake in
intelligence. Very often blunders occur thru the under-estimation of the
He then gave examples that have occurred throughout
history. He started with the Battle of Bannockburn of 1314, that
resulted in the defeat of the numerically superior English under King Edward II
and led to the establishment of King Robert the Bruce as the King of an
independent Scotland. King Edward's blunder was that through his
arrogance he understimated the Scots, he chose to attck thejm with cavalry in a
conficned space that was marshy. As a result his cavalry was decimatd and
England lost ca. 10,000 men. Fourteen years later his successor chose to give
Robert the Bruce Scottish independence that lasted until 1775 with the Union
with England (although that is now subject to a referendum).
A similar mistake was made by the French King against the
English under King Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt in
1415. The English after marching for weeks were tired and desperate. They
had no armor, but they boasted the best Welsh archers who could shoot 10 arrows
a minute. It is estimated that 25,000 French were killed and the Englsh who
were out-numbered about 5 to 1 were successful because the French cavalry had to
charge into a narrow marshy area where the English could pick them off.
Although this victory enabled the then-English (formerly Norman) King to hold
onto his domains in France, they were eventually doomed to be taken over by the
The famous "Charge of the Light Brigade" took place at the
Battle of Balaclava in 1854 in the Crimean War, that pitched the
English and French against the Russians. The debacle resulted largely from
military incompetence of the commanding British generals and stupidity on the
part of the local commanders. Lord Raglan was the General in charge, he gave
the order for the Light Brigade to attack the guns of the Russians that were at
the end of a long defile. He later siad he did not intend for them to attack
head-on, but by the time the local commanders got their orders that is what they
interpreted, and so they did and 475 out of 670 were killed. As the French
General famously remarked "C'est marveilleux, c'est magnifique, mais ce
n'est pas la guerre." This was one of the first occasions when a war
correpondent who was present exposed the incompetence of the
A well-known American example was the Battle of the
Little Big Horn in 1876, also known as "Custer's last stand." The US
Cavalry was sent to pacify the Lakota Sioux tribe under Chief Sitting Bull.
There were 286 soldiers under the command of the unorthodox, arrogant Gen.
Custer who was driven by personal ambition. He divided his forces and although
he was warned that he was outnumbered and in a dangerous position, he ignored
the advice and grossly understimated the Native Indian opponents. He was
surrounded and his whole force was wiped out. Unfortunately this only increased
the US suppression of the Native tribes.
During WWI in France the two sides were bogged down in
trench warfare. At the first Battle of the Somme in 1916 the British
fired shells for days at the German lines, but the Germans had well-defended
underground bunkers, while the British had shallow muddy trenches. Thinking
that the Germans must be devastated, the British forces went forward without due
caution and were mowed down by well-entrenched machine guns. It was the worst
day of warfare in British history, they lost 60,000 men killed and wounded.
They gained only 13 km, it was a great disaster.
Under Winston Churchill the British then decided to try to remove the Turks
from their alliance with the Germans during WWI and they concocted a plan to
invade Istanbul. But as the British Navy approached through the narrow
Dardanelles strait they lost two ships to mines. So instead they retreated and
it was decided to attack Istanbul by land. Big mistake. They did not know the
terrain and they grossly underestimated the Turkish forces under Gen. Kemal
Attatuk. The Battle of Gallipolli in 1917 at the narrowest point of
the Dardanelles was the starting point to capture in order to head inland. But,
it was heavily defended and the Allied troops, including many Australia and New
Zealand Armored Corps (ANZAC) were sent into battle completely unprepared.
Hundreds of thousands were killed and wounded and Australian Gen Monash was
brought in to organize a strategic retreat. It was another great
During WWII, The Battle at Dunkirk in 1940 was perhaps the German's greatest blunder. They had the complete British Expeditionary Force and the French forces completely surrounded and in retreat. Strangely, the German General Staff with Hitler's agreement decided to stop their attack, that allowed the British forces to be rescued by hundreds of boats off the beaches and returned to England. Altogether ca. 200,000 British and ca. 140,000 French soldiers were saved to fight another day. It is not generally realized that this mistake cost the Germans dearly later in the war. The Battle of Stalingrad in 1942-3 was another great mistake by Hitler, he continued to order his troops to press the attack when they were already frozen, starving and without supplies. Around 850,000 German and Axis soldiers were killed or wounded and Gen. Paulus was forced to surrender what was left of the German 6th Army. This was the turning point of WWII.
During WWII, The Battle at Dunkirk in 1940 was perhaps the German's greatest blunder. They had the complete British Expeditionary Force and the French forces completely surrounded and in retreat. Strangely, the German General Staff with Hitler's agreement decided to stop their attack, that allowed the British forces to be rescued by hundreds of boats off the beaches and returned to England. Altogether ca. 200,000 British and ca. 140,000 French soldiers were saved to fight another day. It is not generally realized that this mistake cost the Germans dearly later in the war. The Battle of Stalingrad in 1942-3 was another great mistake by Hitler, he continued to order his troops to press the attack when they were already frozen, starving and without supplies. Around 850,000 German and Axis soldiers were killed or wounded and Gen. Paulus was forced to surrender what was left of the German 6th Army. This was the turning point of WWII.
In Israel, the Yom Kippur War of 1973 represented the biggest
blunder of Israeli military intelligence. All the information pointed to an
Egyptian attack along the Suez Canal, but the military intelligence chiefs in
Israel totally underestimated the Egyptian capability and refused to believe the
obvious. The Egyptian forces under Pres. Anwar Sadat planned a surprise attack
on a broad front with up-to-date military technology, including Russian SAM
ground-to-air missiles providing an air defense umbrella and troops
with anti-tank missiles that blunted the Israeli
counter-attack. It was only with great losses (for Israel) of ca. 3,500 men
that the tide was turned and the Israeli soldiers and tactics allowed Israel to
score a great victory.
There have been major military blunders throughout history
and it is likely that in the future these will be repeated, for after all war is
a human activity and men are fallible.
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