Practical steps
I have read some weird and wonderful suggestions of what
Israel should do to obtain peace in Gaza. Perhaps the most ridiculous was to
have a UN-based peace force, ha-ha! Another was the Hamas-Qatari proposal, that
was initially endorsed by US Secty of State Kerry, was to stop the Israeli
blockade and open the Gaza Strip to all imports, ha-ha-ha! Here are some other
serious alternatives:
1. Attack Qatar with all the means available,
economic and diplomatic, to stop Qatar funding not only Hamas but also the
Islamic State in what was Iraq and Syria, and other Islamist organizations. The
US has great influence in Qatar, if the Congress and the Administration cannot
stop Qatar funding extreme anti-American terrorist organizations, it
should close its huge military base there.
2. Close down UNRWA, that is a fully
western-funded subsidiary of Hamas, that stores Hamas missiles in its schools
(three caches found so far), allows training of young terrorists in its
facilities and are centers for Hamas brainwashing of children. Twelve of the
UNWRA executive in Gaza are Hamas members. All actual remaining Palestinian
refugees (of which there are only a few) should be governed by UNHCR, the UN
refugee agency that is in charge of all other refugees in the world. What is
good for everyone else should be good enough for the Palestinians. Although
there are some in the Arab world that might oppose this, now may be an opportune
moment to pursue this objective.
3. Maintain extremely tight control over all building
materials going into Gaza, since we know that they will be used to
reconstruct the tunnel infrastructure that the IDF has gone to great lengths to
destroy. A tight blockade should also ensure that no missiles or other weapons
can enter Gaza, so that Hamas cannot replace its missile arsenal.
4. Cooperate with Egypt under Pres. Al-Sisi in
order to not only close off the borders of Gaza to all illegal materials, but
also cooperate with them in fighting Hamas and other terrorists in
5. Split the Gaza Strip into two. But, this
time, instead of having civilian settlements there, have purely military IDF
camps that are well-defended with concrete barriers and use them to lob
artillery and shells into Gaza if they ever take offensive action against
These are all practical steps that Israel can undertake to
prevent a recurrence of the recent conflict and to undermine Hamas. If Hamas
again attempts to attack Israel by bombarding Israel with hundreds of missiles a
day (something that the Palestine Solidarity Committees ignore) then some or all
of the above steps should be implemented as well as the military responses as
before. Those who oppose Israel should know two things, we are here by
right and we are here to stay!
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