Wednesday, April 09, 2008

President's prerogative

The Israeli news is full of the unexpected decision of former President Katsav to reject the plea bargain agreement his attorneys negotiated last year with the Atty. Gen. Meni Mazuz and go instead to trial. Most Israelis are disappointed with this decision, since they had hoped that with a short court case and Katsav pleading guilty to lesser charges, the affair would soon be at an end. As it is, the case will drag on now for years and will end in a public court trial where the women involved will give testimony against Katsav. Not a pretty sight.
Katsav's changing his mind about the plea agreement is based on two things, first, the fact that part of the agreement and a requirement of law is that the prosecution must give the defense all the material pertaining to the case, which they apparently failed to do, making the agreement shaky. Also, apparently Katsav had a change of heart and decided to fight for his reputation, that is already in shatters.
There have been two former sets of charges against Katsav, the first set that included serious sex crimes including rape, and the second set that were reduced to the lesser crimes of sexual harrassment for the plea agreemnet, and now there will need to be a third charge sheet. Katsav and his lawyers are betting that the Atty. Gen. will not have enough evidence to return to the first serious charge sheet. In the meantime, one of the women who claimed harassment has exceeded the legal time limit for complaints (this related to back when he was a Minister), so there are now only two women's cases involved. Also, there is a rumor that the case of rape will be dropped for lack of evidence.
So Katsav is taking a calculated risk, but on the other hand, a public trial will undoubtedly expose him to ridicule and embarrassment, whether or not he is found innocent or guilty. Also, while the legal proceedings are underway, Katsav must forfeit his benefits as former President, and if he is found guilty on a charge involving "moral turpitude" he will forfeit his pension. So it is a big risk for him.
Very few people feel that he is completely innocent, but some feel that he has been rail-roaded by the media and a group of aggressive women. Unfortunately we will all find out in time.


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