A tide of Islamization is flooding Europe, including Britain. The signs of it are everywhere, thousands of women in chadors, ritual killings of women, demonstrations with placards calling for death to Jews and infidels, blatant undemocratic interference in the usual processes of free speech, including the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister at Oxford University and the Israeli Ambassador at a London College.
Then there are the violent attacks, there was "7/7" when 52 people were killed and 700 injured, there was the copy-cat attack 2 weeks later that luckily failed and the discovery of a cache of bombs. Then there was the shoe-bomber, and the liquid explosives plan for trans-Atlantic planes that was exposed in time but could have killed 1,000 people, and the failed car-bomb attack on London and the successful attack on Glasgow airport, and the so-called underwear bomber, who had a non-detectable plastic explosive, that has caused a major change in airport security.
It's probably true that the vast majority of the Muslim population (say 90%) is kind and peaceful, but let's say that out of ca. 1.5 million Muslims in the UK, all it takes is 10% of them to be prepared to support these activities and that makes an army of ca. 150,000 people! According to public reports the British intelligence agencies are watching ca. 8,000 people belonging to ca. 500 groups. Let's say that if only 10% of these groups send a car bomb into the center of 50 cities in the UK, then that's war, but what can the British Government do about it.
Of course, the Jews in Britain and Europe are completely unprepared for this eventuality, they are mainly liberal in their attitudes and they say, well most of them are peaceful, and they don't really mean us harm. Some even strongly support the Muslim/Palestinian program, such as Gerald Kaufman, a Jewish Labor MP. But, that's what the German Jews said about the Germans. Most of them were decent people, but when it came to it the German people threw their backing behind Hitler. Most Muslims in Britain and Europe want to have sharia law and to be governed by a Muslim Government. I don't say this is immediately achievable, but there are thousands of foreign and native-born Muslims who are prepared to die to bring this about. And there is a recognized route of training for them in Pakistan and now Yemen.
You might say that this is unnecessarily alarmist, but I would say that in view of the attacks that have happened that it is being realistic. The Commissioner of Police in Britain said not long ago that it is not a matter of "if" there would be another Islamist attack in the UK, but "when"!
Of course, we in Israel have a somewhat jaundiced view of the situation, as this message attests. We are in the sights of this armed and organized attempt to destroy us, and only the IDF is keeping us alive (those Jews who go out and help the Palestinian enemies are ignorant of history and have no self-respect). I don't say that the Muslim extremists are uniform, far from it, there are Sunni groups, such as Hizb ut-Tahrir (Party of Liberation, well-organized in the UK) and Al Qaeda, there are Shi'ite groups sent mainly from Iran and Lebanon, and then there are the mosques and houses where these people hide out (this whole program has been well-documented, see for example "The Islamist" by Ed Husayn).
During the 1970's Italy was beset by a bombing and murder campaign by the Red Brigades that consisted of only a few hundred core extremists, who murdered former PM Aldo Moro. But they were supported by rings of less extreme supporters and sympathizers who hid them and kept the campaign going. The Italian Government had to go to war against them until they were finally defeated. But, there are many more Muslims than that now throughout Europe and the struggle is only beginning. The situation is proceeding as the writers of "Eurabia" (Bat Yeor) and "Londonistan" (Melanie Phillips) foresaw.
The situation in America is not as bad yet, since the FBI and the CIA are more active. But, for years aliens were allowed to enter the US and disappear without trace. There are enough Muslim extremist sleeper cells in the US to cause a major insurrection. Remember you read it here on this day!