Fomenting religious war
It is true that at present there is a lot of violence,
there have been several murders and the Israeli Government is taking steps to
put down the rioting and mayhem of the Palestinian mobs. But, we should not be
over-concerned. First of all there is no actual threat to Israel's existence,
and furthermore the dire threats of Mahmoud Abbas, the current dictator of the
West Bank, are hollow. He has no forces to counter our police and IDF, merely
rag-tag gangs of undisciplined youths. Yes, they can kill a few of us, but so
far no more than that.
In a letter published in The Jerusalem Post
(9/11/14) I suggested that there is a simple way to prevent the kind of fatal
attacks that have been taking place in Jerusalem, do not employ known members of
Hamas or persons formerly convicted of terrorism offences. According to
reports, the man who shot Rabbi Glick at the Begin Center was employed at the
Begin Center as a cook, but was previously incarcerated in Israeli prison for
security offences, and the two men who deliberately drove their vehicles into
people were both Hamas members. If the police know that, then these
persons should simply not be allowed to drive in Israel, their licenses
should be revoked. This is akin to listing former sex offenders, since they are
never cured of their disease. Similarly, all Hamas members and all former
terrorists, should be banned from driving and working in Jerusalem. How many
more must be killed and maimed before the police actually take preventative
action. Similarly, taking strong legal action against rioters throwing stones
and petrol bombs would cause others to think twice before participating in
organized riots.
PM Netanyahu announced today a series of moves to improve the security
situation. All bus stops and light rail stations in Jerusalem are being
protected with concrete barriers so that the phenomenon of "vehicular homicide"
will be prevented. Also, since most of the individual attackers are members of
Hamas or Islamic Jihad, known members of these illegal terrorist organizations
are being preemptively arrested. Also, the number of security forces around
Jerusalem, the West Bank and within Israel are being doubled and reinforced.
The forces are also being more active in confronting and counter-attacking any
manifestation of violent rioting. With these actions the current outbreak will
gradually be brought under control.
The crux of the problem is that Abbas has incited violence against the
Jewish presence on the Temple Mount and has called on his followers to prevent
all Jews from ascending there. He has denied any Jewish connection to the
historic site, which is a lie and is ridiculous. In doing this he is
deliberately trying to incite a religious confrontation and a religious war. It
is to be hoped that the surrounding countries will not take the bait and allow
themselves to be dragged into a religious strife that is not to anyone's
benefit. PM Netanyahu has gone on record several times to assure the Arabs, and
has even met with King Abdullah of Jordan who is in charge of the Temple Mount
(the Haram al-Sharif), to assure him that there is no intention of
changing the status quo of the site, which has been unchanged since the
end of the 6-Day War of 1967. As long as Abbas is unable to manufacture a
religious war, when there is no actual basis for it, then things will eventually
calm down.
Note that one reason why Abbas is doing this now, is that the Unity
Government of the PA and Gaza, that he supposedly helped form with Hamas, has
collapsed. They were unable to hold a ten-year commemoration ceremony for the
anniversary of the death of Yasir Arafat in Gaza, as they did in Ramallah. It
was cancelled after explosions occurred at the homes of ten leaders of Fatah in
Gaza. So Abbas needs to re-assert his control over his domain, the West Bank,
and this is the way he is doing it, the usual Palestinian way, with violence,
lies, murder and mayhem. Meanwhile Gaza is quiet and no other Arab countries
are following Abbas' lead.
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