Prior restraint?
Take for example the Goldstone Report, it was requested by a majority of the UN Human Rights Council, made up of countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Libya, Venezuela and China, that are all well known abusers of human rights. According to reports the HRC has investigated 28 cases of war crimes and human rights abuses in the past year, of which 20 were against Israel. Can it be that the vast majority of such cases world wide are caused by little, democratic Israel. Not even the Darfur situation, where reports are that over 250,000 civilians have been killed, has been investigated by the HRC. So this makes a mockery of any such Report that is clearly policitically motivated and biased.
The complaint to a British court against Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak of "war crimes" brought by a pro-Palestinian group in relation to Operation Cast Lead is a case in point. It was rejected by the court today after the British Government submitted a brief stating that Barak was a guest of the Government and as such was immune from prosecution. After similar cases were attempted in Belgium, Spain and Norway there is no doubt that these attempts will continue. The idea is that even if and when the cases are rejected, as they have all been so far, the effect is to tar the Israeli targets with the stigma of criminality.
Likewise the Goldstone Report, in which accusations of attacks by the IDF on supposedly civilian facilties have been made as fact, based on nothing more than the uncorroborated word of Palestinian civilians, some of whom may well be members of Hamas. Today even the well-known leftist human rights organization B'tselem ("in the picture"), that is regularly critical of any Israeli Government, and on whose previous Reports some of the Goldstone Report was based, came out with a statement that the Goldstone Report was wrong in its claim that Israel "deliberately targeted civilians" (that everybody knows is false) and in the "weak, hesitant way that the Report mentions Hamas's strategy of using civilians in combat."
Shame on Justice Goldstone for allowing his Jewish name to be used to sanctify a carefully calculated attack on Israel and the Jewish people. How can he be so blind not to see this? Even Mary Robinson, former Irish President and a constant critic of Israel, refused the position of Chairman of this HRC Commission, because she said it was "politically motivated." I submit that this is a peculiar kind of Jewish blindness, brought on by an over-anxious psychology to be "acceptable" to the goyim. History is replete with examples of Jews who helped the enemies of the Jews, during the Spanish inquisition, during WWII, to prove their own loyalty and to separate themselves from the truly "nasty" Jews.
The overall effect of this constant barrage of attacks subsequent to a justified anti-terrorist war on Hamas-controlled Gaza is to cause current and future Israeli Governments to think twice before launching another such attack. Never mind that Hamas bombarded Israeli territory for 8 years with rockets, never mind that Hizbollah is now equipped as a regular army with tens of thousands of rockets (after the UN resrolution was supposed to prevent this). I hope that any future Israeli PM and Defense Minister will not hesitate to order a defensive counter-attack (as all our wars have been) in case of real danger to the State and its people, and I include Iran in this category.