The PA strongly criticized the Quartet meeting in Munich early this week for not coming out in favor of a unilateral declaration of Palestinian Statehood. It was never going to happen, but the PA have crawled out so far on that particular branch that it is bending to breaking point and they had to say something. The Quartet, consisting of the US, EU, UN and Russia, would be breaking all their own rules if they agreed to unilateral action by either side. Suppose they agreed to Israel confiscating land on the West Bank, where there is dense Jewish settlement. Of course, they would not do that, they are committed to solving the problem thru bilateral negotiations, and that means that they cannot support a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian State, however many second rate countries (Venezuela?, Paraguay?) which have no direct interests in the Middle East say that they support it. After all, recognizing an entity that does not exist hardly does anything but make them feel virtuous.
While the UN and many other countries have been dickering around for years talking about the Palestinians, they have been neglecting what it has become clear is the real problem in the Middle East, the backwardness of the Arab countries. The military dictatorships in Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and so on, have been oppressing their peoples and condemning them to a life without hope of work and progress. All this attention to the Palestinian problem, in fact a minor problem compared to the Egyptian situation, has played into the hands of the dictators, and all the good liberals in the West have been suckered into it. Why are the Palestinians the darlings of the left, because the left are too eaily duped by serious malefactors. That is why Saddam Hussein was able to oppress his own people and carry out major massacres, such as the Anfal campaign that murdered hundreds of thousands of Kurds, without nary a murmur from the good liberals who supposedly care about human rights. Except that the only human rights they were concerned about were those of the Palestinians. What a farce!
There is an interesting twist in the Palestinian story. The population of Jordan is about 70% Palestinian, with the rest being Beduin. The Beduin support the Hashemite monarchy, while the Muslim Brotherhood are the main opposition. King Abdullah II has been criticized for revoking the Jordanian citizenship of thousands of Palestinians, presumably to prevent them voting against him. Even the Beduin have come out in favor of political reform. Now it has been revealed that Pres. Abbas of the PA, his sons, and Mohammed Dahlan, the PA security chief, have all taken out Jordanian citizenship. What are they fearing?
Since the Pali-leaks revelations recently in Al Jazeera and the Guardian, Al Jazeera has been banned in the PA (and also in Egypt). The PA leaders are now on the defensive. PA spokesman and veteran negotiator Saeb Erekat, interviewd on BBC, turned himself in knots refuting the claims that he and others offered major concessions to Israel, while at the same time agreeing that some of the leaks are true. Why do he and others fear to confirm that they were prepared to compromise with Israel? Because the "Palestinian street" is not ready for any compromise and will not give up their maximal demands. There is a local election coming up in the West Bank after 4 years, that the Hamas leadership running Gaza have refused to cooperate with. However, if Fatah is rejected by the Palestinian people because of these revelations of their "liberal" tendencies, then the PA leaders will have to run and hide. I suppose Jordan will be a convenient bolt-hole.
In relation to Egypt, the US Administraion has twisted and turned on Mubarak and the Muslim Brotherhood. An analysis of the MB's publications reveal that they are committed to transforming Egypt into a new Arab Caliphate, that all Arab/Muslim countries will be required to join. Once again they will go back into history where there was severe competition between Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo over which would be the capital of the Caliphate. Do we really want to have medieveal wars again in the Middle East? Been there, done that! The Muslim Brotherhood is not a democratic party, they will destroy any democracy that they are involved with, just as Hamas did in Gaza. Hamas won the first election held in Gaza under the "democracy" policy of George W. Bush, and that was the last election there. After a year, Hamas staged a coup, killed thousands of Fatah opponents and took power there. This is clearly the pattern that the MB will follow in Egypt. Beware the Muslim Brotherhood!