Monday, June 30, 2014
In his infamous speech in Cairo in 2009 in which he
attempted to appease the Muslim world, Pres. Obama said that "no form of
government should be imposed on one nation by another." In other words, Western
Democracy is not suitable for every country and so it would not be appropriate
for the US to try to force democracy on anyone. Yet, this is precisely what he
did, and in doing so he has not only lost the US friends, but he has reduced
America's influence and credibility in the world and especially in the Middle
For example, the Obama Administration dropped Pres. Hosni
Mubarak, an ally of the US, like a hot potato as soon as there were
demonstrations against him, the supposed reason was that he was a military
dictator and the US wanted Egypt to adopt democracy. So Mubarak was
toppled, and there was a vote and the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed
Morsi won the election. But, one vote does not a democracy make. Now the MB is
an Islamic party whose avowed ideology is anti-Western and anti-American. It
was founded by Hassan al-Banna, whose ideology was full of hatred and vitriol
against the US. Yet, Obama was happy to accept and support a MB President in
Egypt. Did the US not know what was coming next? Apparently the Egyptian
people did, since they rose up and overthrew Morsi with the support of
the Egyptian Army, and this led to the reinstatement of the military
dictatorship and the former Gen. al Sisi is now Pres. al Sisi. If you were al
Sisi do you think you would be prepared to trust the US, knowing how they
treated your predecessor Mubarak? This complete mis-reading of the Egyptian
situation and the support of the election of a totally anti-Western and in fact
anti-democratic candidate, shows the stupidity and naievete of the Obama outlook
on the world. Obama backed the wrong horse and "lost" Egypt.
Obama is not the first American President who thinks that
by putting pressure on Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians it will
win him marks with the Arab world. But, in fact it loses US credibility,
because what the Arab world sees is that US commitment to its staunchest ally
can be bought. The US allies in the Arab world such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait
andf the UAE realise that US support is not reliable. Case in point, the US is
negotiating with Iran over its nuclear program, that includes the development of
high uranium enrichment that can only be used for weapons development. Yet, the
US continues for years with the Europeans, playing the Iranian delaying game.
The Gulf Arab States fear Iran, for good reason, and they see that if
Iran does develop a nuclear weapon they may be the first in line to be
intimidated and/or destroyed. .The Arab allies in the Middle East see US policy
on Iran as weak and wavering, and in this respect they have the same views and
interests as Israel. When Pres. Obama commited the US to act
if Syria crossed the "red line" of using chemical weapons against civilians, he
then backed off that threat, and invited Pres. Putin of Russia to use his
influence and power on Pres. Assad to obtain Syrian compliance. But, in doing
so Obama squandered the credibility of the Presidency and of the USA.
The US has lost credibility as a strong ally in the Middle
Iraq is a mess, that the US poured billions of dollars
into, to obtain what? A reliable US ally that was democratic? Any schoolboy
with knowledge of the Middle East could have told him that a democratic alliance
betwen the Sunni and the Shia in Iraq would never last. As soon as the Shia
obtained a majority in the Iraqi Government, the Sunni refused to cooperate, and
PM Maliki did not try to accomodate them. Such a split was inevitable. What is
also inevitable is that the Kurds in Northern Iraq will break from the central
Iraqi Government. They have built up a strong autonomous region and have been
waiting for the moment. With the fall of the Sunni areas into the hands of the
Islamist ISIS and the collapse of the American-trained and financed Iraqi Army,
the Kurdish Peshmurga fighters have taken over effective control of Kirkuk and
the northern oil fields. Soon they will establish Kurdistan and they will be
recognized by Israel, with whom they have had friendly relations for 50 years.
But, once again Obama is making a mistake, he is holding off giving support
to the Kurds in the vain hope of saving or resuscitating
Iraq. Frankly a few air strikes won't do it.
We are left with a situation in former Iraq that an
independent Kurdistan will be a positive outcome for Israel and the West, but
the emergence of an Islamist Sunni state in central Iraq and an
Iranian-controlled Shia Arab state in southern Iraq will be two negatives.
Still they may be fighting each other for a long time, so overall the situation
could be quite good for Israel and the West. If only Pres Obama could resist
screwing that up too.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
WWI centenary
The 100th anniversary of the assassination of the
Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Arch-Duchess Sonia of Austria-Hungary in
Sarajevo is being celebrated today. It was the event that precipitated the
First World War in 1914 and forever changed the world. Not only did the
Austro-Hungarian Empire collapse, but also the Russian and Turkish Empires, and
with the defeat of Germany by the Allied powers, it sowed the seeds of WWII that
started only 21 years after the end of WWI.
The assassin was Gavrilo Princip who was a Serbian
nationalist and carried out the assassination as a member of a Serbian
underground cell against the imperial Austro-Hungarian Empire. What is not
widely known is that Princip was in fact a Muslim, although a Serbian. Perhaps
he wanted to prove his Serbian nationalism to his fellow plotters, or perhaps he
was used by them, since he was the one chosen to actually pull the trigger.
Also, what is not widely known is that the original plan for the assassination
went wrong and Princip sat at a cafe, had a coffee and was roaming around
randomly when the Arch- Duke's car happened to go by. Apparently the driver
lost his way and ended up in a narrow street and as he was turning a sharp
corner he slowed down to walking pace. The Arch Duke and Duchess had no
security protection, Princip could hardly miss.
The consequences of this act of anti-imperialism were
enormous. It caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia, that then
resulted in Russia, the champion of Serbia as a Slavic nation, to declare war on
Austria-Hungary, which then caused other dominoes to fall. The German Kaiser
rose to the side of his fellow Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary, and then
the British and French rallied to the side of Serbia and Russia. And so the
first war that engulfed all of Europe and much of the world was born. Of
course, the deeper causes of the War are to be found in the rotten repressive
and economic practices of the Empires that ruled so many subject peoples. Even
though the Austro-Hungarian Empire was relatively liberal, the war not only
swept it away, but also the Romanov Czar in Russia, who was replaced by an
uprising that was quickly taken over by the extreme elements of the Bolsheviks.
And the demise of the Turkish Empire led to the freeing of many Arab areas as
well as what was to become Israel. Turkey itself emerged as a modern state only
because Kemal Attaturk was able to reorganize the Turkish Army and political
system and declare a democratic republic.
One major result of WWI was the introduction of weapons of
mass destruction, poison gas, the use of tanks, and air planes and wide-spread
bombing of cities. After WWI it became the strategic goal of belligerents in
wars to attempt to destroy the enemies cities, at the cost of huge numbers of
civilian casualties. As a result of this and other atrocities that were
perpetrated and that became worse in WWII, certain international treaties were
promulgated, supposedly to prevent and stop such activities. With the gradual
improvement in technology it now becomes possible to use targeted bombing that
should reduce civilian casualties, something that Israel has perfected in its
attacks on terrorists in Gaza for example. Yesterday two known terrorists of
the Popular Resistance Committees who were responsible for multiple missile
attacks on Israel were killed in a targeted attack on a car in Gaza, that
injured no-one else. All of these things can be traced back to Gavrilo Princip
and his fateful encounter with destiny.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Millions are available
My esteemed friend: I have chosen you from many others to
be the beneficiary of my unfortunate situation, I have inherited $500,000,000
from my uncle who passed away recently. But, I do not have a suitable account
in which to put this money. If you allow me to use your account I will transfer
these funds to you and allow you to keep 1% of the total. Just send me the
details of your account and don't forget to include the
I am Odingo Odongo from Nigeria, I have recently inherited
a large fortune from my maternal uncle, Chief Walabawele of the Ogongo tribe in
Northeastern Nigeria. It is the practise of this tribe to give a portion of all
inheritence to charity. I have chosen you as a worthy cause and wish to send
you a check for the sum of m$1, but I do not have your account details. Please
send me the details of your account and I will transfer the funds immediately.
Please also send your password so that I may have immediate access to your
account. Yours most sincerely, Odingo Odongo
Contact your agent immediately: You have won a major prize
in our raffle, a trip around the world, or the cash equivalent. You must
contact our agent immediately at the following number or e-mail your details to
our office. We require your bank, bank account number, your social security
number and your password. With this we shall be able to pay you the winning
amount. Don't delay, act immediately. Yours sincerely, Michael
Mark and my wife Cindy Hill, Missouri won a Jackpot and we
have solely decided to donate the sum of 4,000,000 USD to Five lucky individuals
who will in turn use 50% of the total funds to assist the less privileged. If
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3.Sex 4.Country. You can verify this by visiting the web pages below
Dear SIr: You have won millions in the Euro Lottery
competition. All you have to do to claim your prize is send $100 to Jack Cohen
at this address....
Thursday, June 26, 2014
The Renovation
Over a month ago the exterminators drilled holes every
foot around the walls of my studio and injected a poison that they assured me
would destroy the nest of the termites and there would be no more of them.
They said that If I wanted to I could replace the two partially eaten away door
frames. So I started by ripping off the moulding around the door frames, and
guess what I found, loads of live termites, small white insects with tiny legs.
I called the exterminator back and told him they are still in the wood of the
door frames. So he advised to rip out the affected door frames and get rid of
them and he would come again and spray a stronger chemical around the area where
they had been, no extra charge.
I had arranged for someone to come in and replace the door
frames, for a price of course (estimate NIS 4,000=$1150), but he never showed up
or answered my calls. So I thought I would have to do it myself, not a very big
job, but nevertheless daunting. I thought to remove the door frames I would cut
them into pieces and take the pieces out one at a time. This way I would avoid
the screws or bolts that were holding the frame to the wall. But, I could not
find a readily available small electric saw, so I thought I would have to use
a hand saw. Being the son of a carpenter I was not afraid of this approach, but
I was not very happy either.
As I was getting ready to do this, gathering my tools,
with the door open, one of the guys who works in the office opposite (there is
only one other office in the basement) happened to go by and asked me what I was
doing. I told him that I had to remove the door frames because they were
infested with termites. He asked me how I was going to do this and I told him.
He was not impressed and said that he could help me do the work, I asked him how
much he would charge and he said, we're neighbors, I'll just help you and you
can decide what to pay me. So I agreed.
The next day he tunred up with a sledge hammer and simply
started to smash the door frames out. I would call this the "direct approach"
as opposed to my "intellectual approach." I stopped him and explained that it
might be easier to find the screws and remove them. By the way, I should point
out that this guy doesn't speak English, so we communicated thru my poor Hebrew
and sign language. I learnt that the door frame in Hebrew is called the
"mashkof" (although literally the horizontal beam or lintel) and the
vertical door post is called (guess what) the "mezuzah." Anyway we
removed a few screws, but it was difficult and taking time, so he went back to
the direct approach and smashed the two sets of doorposts out. It wasn't that
difficult, but it did tend to take some of the wall with it. He said, never
mind, we'll fix that later, and I must say that he did.
We found a mass of live termites in the hole under one of
the door posts and I sprayed them and they disappeared, I hope for good. Once
the door posts had been removed, the exterminator came and sprayed all around.
I decided to replace one of the door frames and have the other opening plastered
over without a frame since I had never used that door. I figured if there was
no door posts and no wood then the termites could not return. But, this was not
easier because it required him to plaster around the whole opening.
I had no idea about this friendly guy, he was dark skinned
and I assumed he was a Sephardi Jew. His name was Murray, and when I asked him
where he came from he told me Fureidis, which is an Arab town up the coast near
Zichron Yaakov. He had apparently been working in that office for 19 years, and
his name is actually Maree Maree (I do not make this up). Fureidis is not one
of those ancient Arab towns that we are always hearing about, but was founded as
a work camp for Arabs who helped build Zichron Yaakov when it was founded in the
1880s. It couldn't have been so bad there because Fureidis means "paradise" in
Arabic (the English word comes from pardess in Hebrew that means "orchard"), I
told him I was a Professor and I told him to tell his friends that his assistant
was a Jewish Professor. Although in principle I could have done all this work
myself, I'm glad I didn't try.
Anyway, we agreed on a price and I paid him for removing
the door frames. Then we went to the industrial zone (azor tassia) and
bought a new pre-prepared door-frame (mashkof) and the plaster and
paint for the other opening. He fitted the door frame easily, but then ran into
a problem, the walls of the basement are made of concrete and the drill bit
wouldn't go through that. He then plastered the other opening with professional
skill. So the next day he brought a power drill and drilled the holes and
inserted the large screws to hold the door posts in place. Then he re-hung the
door and with a little bit of scraping and fitting, the major work had been
done. Then we cut the moulding and put it around the
door frame. He finished filling in all the holes and smoothing the wall with
sand-paper. Finally it was all painted and voila the job was done. I paid him
a total of NIS 1200 ($345), a lot for him but a big saving for me. No more
termites, and no more floods (they also fixed the drains). A perfect ending.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
The Emirates solution
The well-known Middle East (ME) analyst Dr. Mordechai Kedar from the
Begin-Sadat Center (BESA) at Bar-Ilan University spoke at Netanya AACI. In a
coherent and informative presentation he gave a unique perspective on the ME.
This is my attempt at a summary.
He pointed out that the term "Peace process" or "Peace in the Middle
East" is taken to refer only to Israel and the Palestinians. Yet, almost every
country in the wider Muslim ME is at war. For example: Morocco is
waging an almost unknown war against the Polisario guerillas for control of
Western Sahara; Algeria had a disputed election that the Islamists
won, but the Army took over and suppressed them, resulting in a civil war in
which ca. 500,000 were killed; Libya is a mess, after the downfall
of Qaddafi, the various tribal groups are currently battling for control;
Egypt is now under a quasi military dictatorship that is
suppressing the Muslim Brotherhood and fighting a civil war in Sinai;
Syria is engaged in a tragic civil war that has killed at least
160,000 and made ca. 9 million homeless; Lebanon has had a major
civil war and is now teetering on the edge of another with Hezbollah taking
greater control; Jordan has barely concealed hostility between the
majority of Palestinians and the Beduin supporters of the Hashemite
Monarchy; Iraq, that was an invention of the British imperialists
who cobbled together a state consisting of mutually hostile Kurds, Sunni Arabs
and Shia Arabs, is now falling apart and engaged in a sectarian civil war that
will probably result in it splitting into at least three separate states;
Yemen is fighting two wars one between the east and west and one
between the military and the Islamists; Iran is fighting barely
known wars against the Kurds in the north west and the Baluchis in the south
east, both of which want their independence from Iranian domination;
Turkey is fighting a continuing war against the Kurds, and if the
Iraqi Kurds try to establish an independent Kurdistan with the Kurds of Syria
and Turkey this will precipitate a major war with Turkey, and so it goes
The question is why is "peace in the ME" taken to refer only to
Israel when there are major conflicts all over the region and the death toll of
those conflicts are infinitely more that the losses of those killed in fighting
with Israel. It is about time that the stupid idea that has gained traction
that all conflicts in the ME derive from the Israel-Palestine conflict is
ditched. I challenge anyone who believes this is the cse to explain the
connection between any of the above intra- and inter-necine conflicts and
Israel. There simply isn't any. So the question arises, why is the Muslim ME
the most conflict-ridden and down-trodden region of the world (even the
conflicts in Africa, such as in Mali, the Central African Republic and Somalia
turn out to be Muslim-related).
For the answer to this question we must note that the only Muslim
Arab states that are not in conflict and are currently affluent, are the Gulf
States, namely Kuwait (that was previously occupied by Iraq), Qatar, and the
United Arab Emirates (UAE). This is a federation of seven independent sovereign
Emirates or Sheikhdoms that have joined together for mutual benefit and
security. If we find the reason for their stability it should help to explain
the instability of the rest of the Muslim world. And the answer is that these
states are relatively small entities in which the rulers have legitimacy based
on their local tribal, religious and ethnic homogeneity. In other words
there are no intra-tribal, ethnic or religious forces that threaten their
established order. Whether this is good or not is beside the point, that is the
apparent reason.
There are four origins of conflict in the ME (as elsewhere), namely
tribal, ethnic, religious and sectarian. Whereas in
the countries of the West, such as the UK, France and the USA, the absence of
tribal and eventually religious conflicts has allowed liberal democracy to
develop, a concept that is unknown and totally inappropriate in most of the
Middle East, where tribal, ethnic, religious and sectarian factors play a far
larger role. For example, the Iraqi army that was 900,000 strong collapsed in
the face of the Sunni ISIS advance because the Iraqi soldiers were not from
Mosul and so it made no sense to them to die to defend it.
There are examples of each source of division, for example the Alawis
of Syria fight for the regime of Pres. Assad not for political reasons, but
because they are ethnically aligned to it. Bahrain is a case of sectarianism,
where the Sunni dominated kingdom rules over a majority Shia population, this
Sunni-Shia sectarian divide is predominant throughout the Middle East. In
Lebanon there are inter-religious conflicts, especially between the Christians
and various sects of Muslims, and in this context the Israel-Palestine conflict
may be seen as a religious conflict. But, basically tribal conflicts are
ubiquitous throughout the ME. One reason why the Palestinians cannot form an
effective State is that they are riven with tribal conflicts, each city has its
own tribe or tribes that rule and control that city. Pres. Abbas has almost no
authority in the seven major cities of the PA. For example Ramallah is controlled by
the Tawil and Barghouti tribes, Jerusalem by the Nashishibis and Husaynis, Jenin
by the Yahya, and so on. Most casual observers are completely unaware of this
tribal infrastructure of power within so-called Palestinian society (note that
Palestine is not originally an Arab name).
A potential solution to the Israel-Arab conflict could be through the
establishment of seven emirates in the West Bank, where each would be a
self-governing entity controlled by the tribe to which the inhabitants owe their
allegiance. In that case the Sheikh or Emir would be the natural ruler, and a
federation of the Tribes could be organized, called for example the United
Sheikhdoms or even the Palestine Emirates. Such entities would be legitimate
and peaceful and could deal with Israel on a friendly and mutually cooperative
Only when we try to resolve the problems of the ME on the basis of
the real social characteristics and interests of the inhabitants will there be
peace. In the meantime the various interest groups, tribal, ethnic, religious
and sectarian in the ME will have to battle it out, as they did in Europe not so
long ago.
For more details please visit
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
The J-Street dilemma
We went to a showing of a video presentation called
"The J-Street Challenge" at Beth Israel, the Netanya Conservative
(Masorti) Synagogue. It was arranged by the synagogue and was presented by Prof
Richard Landes, who is Prof. of History at Boston Univ, who led the post-viewing
discussion. He also appears in the film, which was produced by Americans for
Peace and Tolerance and is sponsored by CAMERA and StandWithUs.
Most of you will know that J-street is an American Jewish
organization that considers itself a liberal alternative to AIPAC, that it sees
as slavishly following Israeli Government policies. J-Street proclaims itself
both as "pro-Israel" and "pro-Peace." But questions have arisen as to the
veracity of its pro-Israel stance when J-Street allies itself with and gives a
voice to individuals and organizations, such as Jews for Palestine, that are
notably anti-Israel. Further, its pro-Peace stance, that is its dominant theme,
tends to result in severe criticisms of Israeli Government policies as well as
undermining the support for Israel in the US political system, both with the
Administration and Congress. In effect, J-Street has decided in advance that
Israel is the cause of the lack of peace and so it takes a decidely
pro-Palestinian viewpoint, that it justifies by proclaiming that the interest of
peace trumps all other interests, including those of the Israeli
The video consists of descriptions of positions that
J-Street has taken, including statements by its own leaders, such as its founder
and President Jeremy Ben-Ami, and then these are followed by comments of critics
of J-Street, including such notables of American Jewish society as Alan
Dershowitz, Ruth Wisse, Daniel Gordis and Richard Landes. But, these comments
are definitely to the point and expose a very disturbing pattern of
dissimulation and subterfuge on the part of the leadership of J-Street, that
taken overall lead one to conclude that J-Street is definitely not pro-Israel,
but is not pro-Peace either, but more
substantially pro-Palestinian.
One cause for concern is, where does the lavish funding
for J-street come from? It originally came in the form of millions of dollars
from George Soros, a Jewish billionaire of Hungarian origin, well-known for his
leftist and strongly anti-Israel positions. Another liberal cause that Soros
supported was Barak Obama in his run for the Presidency. There is a strong
implication that J-Street serves the interests of the Obama Administration by
providing an alternative Jewish framework to AIPAC and the mainline organized
Jewish community and J-Street leaders, including Ben-Ami, have boasted of their
direct links to the White House. Much of the funding for J-Street comes from
outside the US and may originate from Arab and even jihadi sources, with which
J-Street has often shown common cause.
Why does such an organization gain support in the younger
generation of the American Jewish Community. The reasons may be complex, but
one of the most persuasive is that not only are the younger generation ignorant
of the actual history of the conflcit and the extremism of the Arab and
Palestinian side, but that they are embarrassed by any actions that Israel takes
that puts them in a bad light. They want to be part of the American liberal
establishment, not a part of the pro-Israel Jewish elements, that they see as
supporting a colonialist, imperialist, militaristic state. By taking this
stance they no longer need feel guilty at supporting Israel, but can proclaim
themselves pro-peace and hence become acceptable in the American liberal
This is not a new phenomenon. One can clearly see the
same psychology acting in the German Jewish preference for German over Jewish
culture and the quite common anti-Semitism among German-Jewish intellectuals
before WWII (until the Germans rounded them all up). When I served for 15 years
(1970-1985) as a member of the Board of the Jewish Community Council of Greater
Washington DC, there were several attempts by a similar group called "Americans
for Peace Now" to join the JCC, which was an umbrella Jewish organization, but
they were rejected by an overwhelmingly liberal community. Similarly the The
Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations that includes 50 such
organizations recently rejected an application by J-Street to join them. This
is a feature of such marginally Jewish, politically motivated organizations, to
infiltrate the mainstream Jewish community in order to undermine its own true
values and to gain credibility.
The audience at Beth Israel overwhelmingly agreed that the
film was a fair and worrying expose of the activities of J-Street, but there was
a small and vocal minority of liberal supporters who felt that the video was a
"smear" and was unfair to J-Street. When asked how, they could not articulate
the reasons. Watch the video and I leave it you to judge for
Monday, June 23, 2014
Syrian consequences
Some consequences of the civil war in Syria are gradually
emerging. A not well known fact is that the movement of some 5 million refugees
out of Syria is not only a humanitarian problem, but has shifted the sectarian
balance within Syria. Most of those moving into Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and
Iraq are Sunni Muslims. This has had the consequence of shifting the population
balance within what is left of Syria in favor of the pro-Shia Alawis,
they were once 12% of the population, now they must be considerably more. And
there are other serious consequences of the Sunni wave into the adjacent
countries, as well as further afield.
In Jordan the influx of ca. 1 million Sunnis has
shifted the balance away from the Palestinians, who were ca. 70% of the
population. If the Syrians stay in Jordan, as seems most likely, then
King Abdullah will be much more entrenched in his Kingdom. SImilarly, the
influx of ca. 1 million Sunnis into Lebanon has shifted the balance
against the Shia and Hizbollah there, leading to the unusual outcome that while
Hizbollah is fighting in Syria to support Pres. Assad's regime, the refugees
they are causing will result in the undermining of their own position in
Lebanon. The influx of maybe 2 million Sunnis into Turkey does not
have that much of an impact because Turkey is a much larger country, but in
Iraq 1 million Sunni refugees has the effect of enlarging the Sunni power
base and unifying Syria and Iraq, just as the ISIS Islamist rebels are trying to
One other consequence of the Syrian conflict may be the
long-delayed emergence of a Kurdish state, namely Kurdistan. The Kurds
have been called the largest minority group in the world (45 million) without a
state of their own. There are Kurdish minorities in Turkey, Syria, Iran and
Iraq. Now that the ISIS rebels have destablized Iraq, the Iraqi Government has
lost control not only of the central Sunni provinces, but also the northern
Kurdish provinces. The Peshmurga Kurdish fighters are formidable and well
armed. They have captured Kirkuk, which is the center of the northern oil
fields. It was once a largely Kurdish city, but in the Anfal campaign of the
mid-1990s Saddam Hussein deported and killed large numbers of Kurds in an
attempt to Arabize the northern regions of Iraq. Now that process is being
reversed, and the Peshmurga have effectively held off the ISIS forces, who in
any case are more interested in defeating the Shia than bothering with the
If the Iraqi Kurds then declare the independence of
Kurdistan, it is likely that the Kurds in Syria will join them. But Turkey may
consider this a causus belli and go to war against Kurdistan in order
to prevent their own large Kurdish minority from joining Kurdistan, which would
mean a loss of a significant portion of eastern Turkey. We cannot predict the
future, but the process of separating out the various sectarian and ethnic
groups seems like a process of reversing the former meddling of the imperialist
colonial powers of Britain and France.
The wave of refugees from Syria, the largest refugee
crisis in the world, are now beginning to arrive in Europe. On rickety boats
they are crossing the Mediterranean and arriving in Greece, Italy, France and
Spain and then to the UK and as far afield as Australia and the USA. They
represent a further increase in the number of Muslims in Western coutnries and a
further increase in anti-Semitism and anti-Israel activity.
One of the major consequences of the Syrian conflagration
that is good for Israel is that the Syrian Government is taking the opportunity
to flush out and destroy the so-called Palestinian refugee camps, where they had
kept the Sunni Palestinians cooped up for 65 years. On the grounds that the
Palestinians sided with the Sunni opposition, even Hamas moved its headquarters
out of Damascus due to opposition to the pro-Shia Assad regime, the Syrian Army
and Hizbollah have been taking revenge, massacring Palestinians. This has
received almost no media attention since the western liberal media don't like
reporting anything negative about the Palestinians, their favorite cause, but
can you imagine the press coverage if the IDF were doing this. But, this is far
from a unique situation.
When Saddam Hussein's forces invaded Kuwait, the
Palestinians there (not in refugee camps) helped them, so when the American
forces chased the Iraqi Army out of Kuwait in the Gulf War of 1990, the Kuwaitis
took revenge on the hated Palestinians, killing and expelling them. When PM
Rabin allowed Yasir Arafat and the PLO to return to Gaza and the West Bank from
Tunisia where they had received refuge, this was a disaster for Israel, but the
Tunisians heaved a great sigh of relief, glad to be rid of these
trouble-makers. Lebanon also treated the Palestinians badly because they
changed the delicate ethnic balance of the country, and Palestinians were
restricted by law to the camps and not even allowed to work, a law that was only
recently repealed due to its inhumaneness, contrary to UN standards. In Jordan,
the Palestinains have been from the beginning Jordanian citizens, and although
they are not loyal to the Hashemite Monarchy, they have been treated better
there than anywhere else in the Arab world, and are not in fact refugees.
Nowhere in the Arab world are the Palestinians liked or tolerated, they are not
allowed into Saudi Arabia or the Gulf States. The place the Palestinians are
treated best is in ....Israel. All the rest is propaganda.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Operation Brother's Keeper
The IDF is carrying out Operation Brother's
Keeper in the West Bank, searching for the three missing Israeli teens,
Eyal Yifrah, Naftali Fraenkel and Gilad Shaer, who were abducted by Hamas
operatives last week. Their mission was made more difficult because the police
ignored a plea for help that one of the boys managed to whisper into his
cell-phone saying "we're being kidnapped." That was at 10.30 pm, but the police
officer in charge thought it was a prank and ignored it. It was only revealed 5
hours later when the parents of one of the boys went to the police station to
report their son missing. That policeman should be fired. This unfortunate
error, of not taking every warning seriously, gave the kidnappers 5 hours start
over the searchers. But it was not enough time to take the boys over any
border, they must still be in the West Bank, and may be in the vicinity of
Hebron, hidden in an underground bunker.
Around the country and the world there have been prayer
services to "Bring our Boys Home." We have barely survived all our prayers, we
only survived when we took up the gun - "praise the Lord, but pass the
ammunition." So the Operation continues. The Israeli Government is taking the
opportunity to attack Hamas in the West Bank, not only because Hamas was
responsible for the kidnapping (the Government has evidence that it hasn't
revealed so far) but because Hamas is a terrorist organization committed to the
destruction of Israel and the killing and kidnapping of Israeli civilians,
including children. During this search the IDF has arrested over 300 mostly
Hamas operatives and have discovered arms caches and arms factories. The
strategy is that by making this kidnapping so costly to Hamas they will be
forced to give back the boys, or they will have bargaining chips to exchange for
the boys.
The IDF is treading a fine line, they want to find the
boys, but they don't want to be brutal in the process or to kill Palestinians in
revenge because this could set of an explosion, another intifada that would be
in nobody's interests, except the terrorists. There have been several cases of
violent demonstrations against the IDF by youths throwing stones and Molotov
cocktails as well as shooting. One 15 year old boy was shot after attacking IDF
soldiers. In fact by arresting Hamas leaders, Israel is helping the Fatah
leadership of the PA, because Hamas is their enemy too. The PA security
services are supposedly cooperating with the IDF, although not themselves
carrying out arrests.
There has been a controversy regarding the response of
Pres. Abbas of the PA to this situation. At first he made no mention of the
kidnapping, but then at the meeting of the Islamic States in Saudi Arabia last
week he made a statement against the kidnapping and supporting the need for the
PA to cooperate with the IDF and said that the boys are "humans" and should be
released. The fact that he made this statement in that setting was regarded by
some as very brave and important. Yet, PM Netanyahu gave the statement only a
luke warm response, because as he said, if the PA wants to be taken seriously
they should cut their ties to Hamas and dissolve the Unity Government. Hamas,
of course, strongly criticized Fatah for "cooperating with the
Analysts of Palestinian public opinion say that the
Palestinian street supports the kidnapping, seeing it as equivalent to Israel
arresting their boys and putting them in prison, although they forget the crimes
they commited and the courts that judged them. But, analysts also say that this
support is passive, they generally don't want an
escalation of the situation or a third intifada. Some pro-Palestinian comments,
including those from MK Hanan Zoabi, who said it wasn't a kidnapping at all, and
the UN that has effectively dismissed the kidnapping but criticized the IDF
Many Western liberals and the media dismiss the
kidnappings because they characterize the boys as "settlers", even though they
are mere teenagers. But there is some irony in this. The area where the
kidnapping occured and where two of the boys live is the Etzion bloc, an area
south of Jerusalem that was bought by the JNF in the 1920s and on which three
kibbutzim were established, including Kfar Etzion, that fluourished in the
1930s-40s. In 1948 the Arabs captured the whole area and massacred the
inhabitants and razed the settlements to the ground, even destroying all the
orchards and uprooting all trees (only one large one remained). This area was
recaptured by the IDF in 1967 and resettled by the children of the original
settlers and will remain part of Israel in whatever settlement or outcome
ensues. So the people there are indeed settlers, but they live on Jewish
Meanwhile the boys are still missing and the search goes
on. The hope is that they are still alive because the terrorists want to use
them to exchange for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. This shows the
futility of releasing 1,000 prisoners for one Israeli, Gilad Schalit, as PM
Netanyahu did, because it only encourages kidnapping. The Knesset has now
passed a law restricting the ability of the Government to release prisoners who
have been convicted of security offences and murder. So that this should
prevent a further such travesty. Also, there is now a free App named the "SOS
App" developed by an Israeli company NowForce that can allow a GPS trace of all
cell phones that have it ( ). All Israelis are encouraged to
download that App. One way or another we will defeat these
Friday, June 20, 2014
Where's Kerry
anybody here seen Kerry?
Has anybody here seen Kerry?
Find him if you can!
He's as bad as old Shapir-o,
Left me on my own-ee-o,
Has anybody here seen Kerry?
Kerry from the USA!
Has anybody here seen Kerry?
Find him if you can!
He's as bad as old Shapir-o,
Left me on my own-ee-o,
Has anybody here seen Kerry?
Kerry from the USA!
US Secty of State Kerry has been noticeably absent from his favorite hunting
ground, the Middle East, for a while. Yet, I understand that since he is very
pro-Israel, he feels he needs to save Israel from itself, he knows (as an
American) what is best for Israel. So he has recognized the new PA government
that includes Hamas, which is recognized as a terrorist organization by the
USA. He has done this because Pres. Abbas has assured him that the new Unity
Government will abide by the conditions set down by the Quartet, of recognition
of Israel, giving up violence (terrorism) and accepting all previous
agreements. However, at the same time, Hamas has publicly declared that they
will not accept these conditions. Nevertheless, Kerry is so committed to the
"peace process" that he is prepared to give Hamas the benefit of the doubt.
This is essentially what US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro said in a recent
speech, basically let's give Hamas the benefit of the doubt, until they actually
start (or continue) killing people. Now
this might be a good idea, if we were not the killees, the victims of Hamas's
determination according to their Covenant to wipe Israel of the face of the
with the dramatic advance of the ISIS forces in Iraq, and the kidnapping of
three yeshiva students in Judea, we are otherwise occupied. Obama wants to
punish the new Egyptian President al-Sisi, and to come to terms with the
Ayatollahs in Iran. Let the Americans get on with their own business, in
Ukraine, Iraq and elsewhere, and leave us to take care of our situation without
their self-destructive policies. We don't miss Kerry.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Being all things to all people
Barack Obama is not a mystery, he is out there, trying to
be liked by everyone. Perhaps this is the legacy of being a black boy brougnt
up in a white world, a Kenyan-Indonesian who became a Hawaiian-Chicagoan
American. In any event he wants to be liked, if possible, even by his enemies.
Is this a Christian propensity or a liberal inclination? His Cairo speech of
2009 is an example of trying to be a different President of the USA, of trying
to tell the Muslim world don't hate us (or me), we are really nice people and
mean no harm.
But, this kind of attitude, while well-meaning and perhaps
commendable, is also dangerous. For example, when the President of the most
powerful country in the world declares a red-line, and then retreats from it,
not only does he lose credibility, but the County he represents loses
deterrence. OK, so he backed away from attacking Syria for massacring 300
civilians with poison gas. But, what he also did was allow Russian Pres. Putin
to take over the problem and to solve it for him.
Then he failed to foresee the nuances of Egyptian
politics. Not only did he fail to support the pro-American ruler of Egypt,
Hosni Mubarak, but he hung him out to dry, like his predecessor Pres. Carter did
with the Shah of Iran. Was it liberal distaste for dictators, even friendly
ones. In that case the result was the most disastrous mistake in US foreign
policy, that Iran fell under the control of the Shi'ite extremists that led to
the taking of the US Embassy and its American hostages. Then Pres. Obama in the
name of supposed democracy supported the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Pres.
Morsi, over the military ruler Gen al-Sisi, who is now President (also
supposedly by a democratic election) and he will not forget this insult and
major error in judgement. What are Obama's advisors, naieve college kids, don't
they know that in the real world hard-ball is the only game in
Now Obama is on the horns of a dilemma, so to speak,
caught in the unfortunate position of his own making of having
contradictory policies at the same time. On the one hand, he
commendably supports the Sunni insurrection in Syria and the removal of Pres.
Assad, who is a ruthless dictator (but who recently won a supposed democratic
election), but on the other hand he supports the Shia-dominated Maliki
Governemtn of Iraq against the Sunni rebels of ISIS, the worst nighmare of al
Qaeda fearing Americans. To regard this government as "democratic" is insane, it
was elected because the Shia majority in Iraq voted for it, a sectarian victory
that the Sunni will never accept. But, in real life you can't have it both
ways, your cannot support Sunni rebels against a Shia puppet and a Shia puppet
against Sunni terrorists. It makes no sense, it is self-destructive, it loses
friends on both sides and it makes the US more of a target as part of
the struggle. Also, consider that aligning America with the Shia-led Government
of Iraq will alienate a large proportion of the Sunni Arab world, who constitute
85% of all Muslims.
It's time someone took Obama aside and told him some
truths: democracy means nothing in the Middle East, it is an abstract concept,
when tribe, religion and sect mean everything; the enemy of my enemy in the ME
is still my enemy; getting involved in other people's vicious wars is not a way
to win friends and influence people; when in doubt do nothing. When two enemies
are fighting each other, sit back and wait and see what will be the denouement.
Only then attack the winner.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Predictions on Iraq
Here are my predictions as to what might happen in
Iraq. The Sunni extremists of ISIS, whose ideology is to
establish a Caliphate throughout the Middle East from Lebanon to Iraq as the
first step, are bent on defeating the Shia in Iraq. In the cities that they
have captured so far, including Mosul and Tikrit, they have taken the Iraqi
Shi'ite police and soldiers out into the main square and massacred them. Their
destiny is ordained by Allah to defeat Shi'ism and re-establish Mohammed's
Caliphate. If they really want to do this they will not
directly attack Baghdad, because it is currently too well defended and too big a
bite for them. If they really want to piss off the Shia they will bypass
Baghdad and attack and capture Kerbala, which is the Shia Holy City
only 55 miles south of Baghdad. It contains the tomb of Hussein, the Prophet
Mohammed's grandson, who was killed in the battle of Kerbala in 680 ce by the elected
Caliph which led to the schism between Sunni and Shia. They will desecrate the
mosque named after Ali. This would be a terrible blow to the Shia and would
require them to counter-attack, leading to a major sectarian war, which is what
ISIS want. In that case, all Sunni extremists (and maybe all Sunnis) will rally
to their side and the result will be a religious war akin to the wars between
Catholics and Protestants, such as the Thirty years war (1618-48) and for
hundreds of years after that.
The champion of the Shia is Iran. The Ayatollahs cannot
maintain their postion if they do not respond to such a terrible humiliation and
they will send their army into Iraq to defeat ISIS. This will extend the war to
a terrible conclusion, like the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88, when it is estimated
that half a million people died. Those in Europe and the US who want to defend
so-called "democratic" Iraq, which was merely a puppet Shia state set-up by the
Americans, will be wasting their time and money. If the US, as some idiots have
suggested, cooperate with Iran in trying to defeat ISIS they will find
themsrlves on the wrong side. Remember that 85% of Muslims are Sunnis, and if
you collaborate with Iran you will not only make a pact with the devil, namely a
totally ruthless totalitarian religious regime, but you will antagonize all the
Sunni countries, including Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Indonesia, Egypt and so on.
The simple idea that the enemy of my enemy is my friend does not work in the
Middle East, in this case both sides are our enemy.
It will be a stupid move for Pres. Obama to even send air
stikes in to try to slow down the ISIS advance. It cannot make a significant
difference, now that the majority of the Sunnis in Iraq have been freed from
Shia domination and will support ISIS or anyone who comes along to fight the
Shia. The best advice is not to get involved on either side, nothing can be
done now, except to stand by and let them fight it out. Iraq was a western
(British) invention, as are several other Arab countries in the Middle East
(Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, etc.), only Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel were formed
independently of British and French imperial designs (the Sykes-Picot treaty and
all that). Remember that Israel first fought the British for its independence
before fighting the Arabs. For idiots like Boris Johnson (Mayor of London) who
called former PM Blair "unhinged" is the height of stupidity, Blair and Bush had
nothing to do with this current situation, eventually, after Saddam Hussein and
everyone else, the sectarian Sunni-Shia clash has returned and will become the
most important issue of our times.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The kidnapping of the three yeshiva boys from the Etzion
area is currently gripping Israel. Apparently they were taken by Hamas
operatives as they were hitch-hiking home around 10 pm, but the alarm was not
sounded until about 5 hrs later when the parents of one of them went to the
police station. A massive man-hunt is under way involving the IDF and
intelligence agencies. About 150 mostly Hamas leaders have been arrested and
are being interrogated. I assume this is a maneuver by the Govt. to put
pressure on Hamas to release the boys, otherwise their organization will
be greatly disrupted. There is cooperation with the PA security forces, although
the extent of this is unclear.
Note that there have been other kidnappings by Islamist
extremists. In Nigeria 220 Christian girls were kidnapped from a school in NE
Nigeria by Boko Haram and have not been seen since except for a video showing
them all in Muslim garb reciting a Muslim prayer. This is a clear case of
forced conversion, and it if far from the only case. In Egypt and Iraq
Christian girls disappear regularly and usually are never found. It is
estimated that in Egypt alone about 15,000 Coptic Christian girls are missing.
The fact that it is Muslims kidnapping Christians and Jews and not the other way
around must be taken seriously.
We note that the case of the Nigerian girls who have been
kidnapped has become an international cause celebre. But, don't expect the
world to pay much attention to the three Jewish teens who have been kidnapped.
After all, they can be dismissed as "settlers" or even worse as persecutors of
poor Palestinians. The fact that the terrorist group Hamas, that is now in the
Palestinian government, is responsible, hardly raises an eyebrow among the
western elite leftist intelligentsia. Even the western media aren't interested,
after all they are only Jews.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Humpty Dumpty history
I saw an interview on TV of Lakhdar Brahimi, the Egyptian
diplomat who was the UN Secty General's Special Envoy for Syria, upon his
retirement from that post. He apologized to the Syrian people because he was
unable to do anything significant to stop the civil war raging there. He
admitted that Syria is basically destroyed, that ca. 160,000 men, women and
children have been killed there in over 3 years of fighting, and that perhaps 7
million people have been displaced as external and internal refugees, about one
third of the population, that it is now the largest refugee problem in the
world. He admitted that the UN was in stalemate because of the support for
opposite sides by different members of the UN Security Council, Russia and China
supporting Pres. Assad and the West, the US, UK and France, supporting the
insurgents. What he didn't specify is that the Sunni Arab states, Saudi
Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are supporting the Islamist rebels, while the West is
trying to only support the democratic opposition, and Iran is supporting Assad.
One thing that he said that impressed me was that there is
no going back to the status quo ante, in other words, Syria is now
sundered and cannot be put back together again as it was. He wished both sides
would accept and understand this, since both sides think that is what they are
fighting for. I will call this the Humpty Dumpty theory of history,
and it should be applied more widely, for example, to the Israel-Palestine
conflict. The very basis of the Arab view is that a historic injustice has
been done to the Palestinians and that they are fighting to reverse that
injustice. But, the cat has been let out of the bag, so to speak, and Humpty
Dumpty has fallen (to mix metaphors) and this cannot be put back together
again. History cannot be reversed! The Palestinians can no more go
back to "Palestine" as it was, than the nations of Europe can go back to before
WWI or WWII or the USSR can be put back together again (someone should tell
Putin that).
What is most ridiculous is that the Islamists, al Qaeda
and particularly the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) are fighting to
instal a new Caliphate over all the Sunni Arab world, and in fact over all the
world (including the US and Europe), a status that is based on the early
medieval Islamic period when they briefly (for ca. 100 years) controlled a huge
unified Empire that stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Morocco to
India. Not only did it break up into many separate countries (Egypt, Syria,
Iraq, Iran, etc.), but it can never be put back together again! Someone should
tell them this, because it is going to cause a great deal of suffering, death
and destruction until they find this out. Perhaps I should be more worried than
I am, because there is an upside to this, while the Islamists are fighting a
lost cause, to go backwards, we are meanwhile going forward. While their young
men are fanatically blowing themselves up and killing their own people, our
young men are learning biotechnology and computer science. Perhaps I am being a
bit harsh, one must never under-estimate one's enemy, as history has shown, but
some generalizations are nevertheless true. Perhaps the Islamists have never
heard of Humpty Dumpty, someone should tell them.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
President Rivlin
Reuven Rivlin is hardly the best candidate available to be
the tenth President of Israel. But, given that the President is chosen by vote
of the Knesset, not by the people, and that Rivlin is a veteran politician who
knows the ropes, in the end he won. His main rival was Meir Sheetrit, a similar
politician, but Rivlin is from the majority Likud Party and Sheetrit is from the
much smaller Hatnuah Party, although he had Labor opposition support.
Candidates like Nobel Prize winner Dan Schectman and Supreme Court Justice
Dalia Dorner, stand no chance against the professional politicians. The Knesset
will always choose one of their own.
There was an unusual situation that
developed when partly because PM Netanyahu had not initially supported Rivlin,
the right was not strongly behind him. He won the first ballot with 44 votes,
but if in the second ballot when there are only the top two candidates, if all
those who had voted on the left for the other candidates, including Dalia
Itzik, had put their support to Meir Sheetrit, he would have won easily. But,
as soon as they saw the danger, the right pulled in all their votes, for example
Shas MKs almost certainly changed sides, and Rivlin won by 10 votes, 63 to
On the face of it Rivlin is not a bad choice. He is a
right wing Likud veteran, who has been a political rival of Bibi Netanyahu for
many years. Such rivalries run deep and so Netanyahu was against Rivlin's
candidacy, but in the end he turned around and supported him. Now that they
are no longer rivals, they may actually work well together. Rivlin said the
right things in his inaugural spech, that as of today he is no longer a party
politician but is now a representative of the whole people.
It is unlikely that Rivlin will be considered a statesman
like Shimon Peres, who retires when his term expires in June. Rivlin is not well
known in international circles and does not cut an impressive figure. But, he
will do the job, he will act as a figurehead, and he has some solid
qualifications. He has been the Knesset speaker during two sessions and did a
good job. He has sponsored many bills that support democracy and the rights of
minorities. He is a very appropriate choice and will make an excellent
representative of the State of Israel.
Friday, June 13, 2014
ISIS gains
The fall of Mosul to the forces of ISIS is a major event
in the unraveling of the Pax Americana in the Middle East, for which the US
fought the Gulf War. ISIS stands for "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" (or more
correctly "the Levant," which includes Lebanon). ISIS is so extreme in its
views and actions that it has been expelled by al Qaeda from its organization
and there have been battles between the two groups within Syria. ISIS has
developed as a major belligerant in the fight of Sunni Islamists against Pres.
Assad's pro-Shia forces in Syria that are supported by Iran and Hizbollah.
Mosul is the second largest city in Iraq and controls
access to the major oil-producing area in the north. It is reported that
already in one day 500,000 refugees, mostly Kurds, have left Mosul and are
spreading north and east. Beyond this area is the Kurdish semi-autonomous
enclave of Kurdish Iraq, and the authorities controlling this area have
indicated that they will both accept the Kurdish refugees and fight any attempt
by ISIS to extend their control beyond Kirkuk in the north of Iraq using their
Pesh Merga fighters. What was very striking in this attack was the rapidity
with which the American-trained Iraqi Army collapsed in one day and left the
northern region of Iraq undefended. This indicates a dire situation for the
Shia-led Iraqi Government of Pres. Maliki, who has not been an effective
leader. It is reported that ISIS fighters are now moving south and have
captured Beiji and Tikrit (Saddam Hussein's home town) and may soon threaten
Baghdad. This is reminiscent of the way the Taliban over took
Whether one regards this situation as an inevitable Sunni
reaction to the domination of the Shia in a nominally democratic Iraq, or as
just a spill-over from the conflict in Syria is secondary. What is clear is
that the Sunni ISIS-led takeover of regions of northern Syria, the main city in
Iraq's Anbar province (Ramadi) and now Mosul, reflect the growing strength of
the Sunni Islamist threat to the whole region. ISIS intends to establish a new
Caliphate in the areas under their control. The question arises, should the US
and the West view this development as a direct threat to their own security. I
would think that a delay to consider the possibilities is in order. If ISIS
were to threaten a takeover of Baghdad, and especially Kerbala, the Shia holy
city, then the Shia heartland would be threatened and Iran would have to come to
support their Shia brethren. Then the full-scale Sunni-Shia conflict that has
been predicted for some time might be in the offing. In that case, it would be
astute to let the two Islamic sides fight it out, as Sunni-led Iraq and Shia
Iran did during the Iraq-Iran war of 1980-88, and let the chips fall where they
may. Having to actually fight a war might make Iran a lot less of a direct
threat to the West and Israel, and ironically might reduce its nuclear
ambitions. Iran might have more immediate urgent issues to attend
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Coalition cracks
At the annual Herzliya Conference on Mon night, two major
Government Coalition partners, Yair Lapid, Head of the Yesh Atid party, and
Naftali Bennett of the Bayit Yehudi party, gave contradictory opinions
in speeches on policy towards the Palestinians. Lapid threatened that if the
Government annexes any West Bank land he will bolt the coalition, but Bennett
said that if the Government does not annex land he will bolt the
coalition. The irony is that these two relative newcomers to Israeli politics
once forged an alliance in order to get mutually beneficial conditions from
Netanyahu when the Coalition was formed. In response,
Netanyahu issued a statement criticizing "inexperienced" politicians who push
their own foreign policy solutions, without any previous familiarity in the area
of international relations and have no idea of the consequences of their hastily
proposed plans.
Since the talks between Israel and the PA have broken
down, and no party is willing to talk to a Palestinian unity government that
includes Hamas, the question is what to do next. Now their different political
interests have come to the fore, with Lapid on the left and Bennett on the right
of the Coalition. In addition, the presence of Justice Minister Tzipi Livni in
the Coalition has become an embarrassment, since she was in charge of the talks
with the Palestinians and now effectively she has no political commonality with
Netanyahu. Her unauthorized "private" meeting with Pres. Abbas in London after
the United PA government was formed almost led to her dismissal from the
Coalition. She and her Hatnuah party are hanging by a thread. Will the
Coalition unravel?
Probably not, since none of these small parties want to
subject themselves to a future election, especially if they are forced into the
opposition. But, this leaves Netanyahu paralysed, unable to act to either annex
some territory, that would become part of Israel in any future peace agreement,
or respond in any other way. So either Netanyahu will do nothing and keep his
Coalition in place, or he will decide to act and perhaps lose the left wing of
his Coalition, Livni and Lapid, but maybe in their place he will gain partners
on the right, namely the religious and ultra-orthodox parties. It's in the
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Military blunders
David Lawrence-Young, a retired history teacher and author
originally from the UK, gave a lecture on "Military blunders" at Netanya-AACI.
He first defined what is meant by a military blunder, either a mistake by an
individual or group or a misunderstanding of orders, or a mistake in
intelligence. Very often blunders occur thru the under-estimation of the
He then gave examples that have occurred throughout
history. He started with the Battle of Bannockburn of 1314, that
resulted in the defeat of the numerically superior English under King Edward II
and led to the establishment of King Robert the Bruce as the King of an
independent Scotland. King Edward's blunder was that through his
arrogance he understimated the Scots, he chose to attck thejm with cavalry in a
conficned space that was marshy. As a result his cavalry was decimatd and
England lost ca. 10,000 men. Fourteen years later his successor chose to give
Robert the Bruce Scottish independence that lasted until 1775 with the Union
with England (although that is now subject to a referendum).
A similar mistake was made by the French King against the
English under King Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt in
1415. The English after marching for weeks were tired and desperate. They
had no armor, but they boasted the best Welsh archers who could shoot 10 arrows
a minute. It is estimated that 25,000 French were killed and the Englsh who
were out-numbered about 5 to 1 were successful because the French cavalry had to
charge into a narrow marshy area where the English could pick them off.
Although this victory enabled the then-English (formerly Norman) King to hold
onto his domains in France, they were eventually doomed to be taken over by the
The famous "Charge of the Light Brigade" took place at the
Battle of Balaclava in 1854 in the Crimean War, that pitched the
English and French against the Russians. The debacle resulted largely from
military incompetence of the commanding British generals and stupidity on the
part of the local commanders. Lord Raglan was the General in charge, he gave
the order for the Light Brigade to attack the guns of the Russians that were at
the end of a long defile. He later siad he did not intend for them to attack
head-on, but by the time the local commanders got their orders that is what they
interpreted, and so they did and 475 out of 670 were killed. As the French
General famously remarked "C'est marveilleux, c'est magnifique, mais ce
n'est pas la guerre." This was one of the first occasions when a war
correpondent who was present exposed the incompetence of the
A well-known American example was the Battle of the
Little Big Horn in 1876, also known as "Custer's last stand." The US
Cavalry was sent to pacify the Lakota Sioux tribe under Chief Sitting Bull.
There were 286 soldiers under the command of the unorthodox, arrogant Gen.
Custer who was driven by personal ambition. He divided his forces and although
he was warned that he was outnumbered and in a dangerous position, he ignored
the advice and grossly understimated the Native Indian opponents. He was
surrounded and his whole force was wiped out. Unfortunately this only increased
the US suppression of the Native tribes.
During WWI in France the two sides were bogged down in
trench warfare. At the first Battle of the Somme in 1916 the British
fired shells for days at the German lines, but the Germans had well-defended
underground bunkers, while the British had shallow muddy trenches. Thinking
that the Germans must be devastated, the British forces went forward without due
caution and were mowed down by well-entrenched machine guns. It was the worst
day of warfare in British history, they lost 60,000 men killed and wounded.
They gained only 13 km, it was a great disaster.
Under Winston Churchill the British then decided to try to remove the Turks
from their alliance with the Germans during WWI and they concocted a plan to
invade Istanbul. But as the British Navy approached through the narrow
Dardanelles strait they lost two ships to mines. So instead they retreated and
it was decided to attack Istanbul by land. Big mistake. They did not know the
terrain and they grossly underestimated the Turkish forces under Gen. Kemal
Attatuk. The Battle of Gallipolli in 1917 at the narrowest point of
the Dardanelles was the starting point to capture in order to head inland. But,
it was heavily defended and the Allied troops, including many Australia and New
Zealand Armored Corps (ANZAC) were sent into battle completely unprepared.
Hundreds of thousands were killed and wounded and Australian Gen Monash was
brought in to organize a strategic retreat. It was another great
During WWII, The Battle at Dunkirk in 1940 was perhaps the German's greatest blunder. They had the complete British Expeditionary Force and the French forces completely surrounded and in retreat. Strangely, the German General Staff with Hitler's agreement decided to stop their attack, that allowed the British forces to be rescued by hundreds of boats off the beaches and returned to England. Altogether ca. 200,000 British and ca. 140,000 French soldiers were saved to fight another day. It is not generally realized that this mistake cost the Germans dearly later in the war. The Battle of Stalingrad in 1942-3 was another great mistake by Hitler, he continued to order his troops to press the attack when they were already frozen, starving and without supplies. Around 850,000 German and Axis soldiers were killed or wounded and Gen. Paulus was forced to surrender what was left of the German 6th Army. This was the turning point of WWII.
During WWII, The Battle at Dunkirk in 1940 was perhaps the German's greatest blunder. They had the complete British Expeditionary Force and the French forces completely surrounded and in retreat. Strangely, the German General Staff with Hitler's agreement decided to stop their attack, that allowed the British forces to be rescued by hundreds of boats off the beaches and returned to England. Altogether ca. 200,000 British and ca. 140,000 French soldiers were saved to fight another day. It is not generally realized that this mistake cost the Germans dearly later in the war. The Battle of Stalingrad in 1942-3 was another great mistake by Hitler, he continued to order his troops to press the attack when they were already frozen, starving and without supplies. Around 850,000 German and Axis soldiers were killed or wounded and Gen. Paulus was forced to surrender what was left of the German 6th Army. This was the turning point of WWII.
In Israel, the Yom Kippur War of 1973 represented the biggest
blunder of Israeli military intelligence. All the information pointed to an
Egyptian attack along the Suez Canal, but the military intelligence chiefs in
Israel totally underestimated the Egyptian capability and refused to believe the
obvious. The Egyptian forces under Pres. Anwar Sadat planned a surprise attack
on a broad front with up-to-date military technology, including Russian SAM
ground-to-air missiles providing an air defense umbrella and troops
with anti-tank missiles that blunted the Israeli
counter-attack. It was only with great losses (for Israel) of ca. 3,500 men
that the tide was turned and the Israeli soldiers and tactics allowed Israel to
score a great victory.
There have been major military blunders throughout history
and it is likely that in the future these will be repeated, for after all war is
a human activity and men are fallible.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
I love three Russians, Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn and
Sharapova. I don't love Putin, and anyway, what kind of a Russian name is
I watched a fascinating game in the quarter finals of the
French Open at Rolland Garros between the magnificent Maria Sharapova and
Garbine Mugurutha. Maria Sharapova (seeded 7) is 6 ft 2in, blond, beautiful
and impressive to see. Her opponent was a 20 year old unseeded Spanish girl who
came from nowhere and defeated Serena Williams (No. 1 in the world). So now she
set about demolishing Maria, winning the first set 6:1. Maria had no chance,
not only was she making many unforced errors, but Mugurutha (I love that name)
was all over her. As the commentator said, this being her first outing in a
quarter final of a Grand Slam, while Maria has done 17 of them, Mugurutha would
come out aggressively swinging, and she did. Maria could not withstand the
onslaught and even looked nervous and flustered. But, in the second set she
started playing better, and got to 3:1, then 4:2, but Mugurutha (did I say I
love that name) fought back and brought it to 5:5.
But, suddenly Maria started showing her class and
out-played Mugurutha and took the second set 7:5. From then on it was an
amazing transformation, Maria played like a champion and Mugurutha faded. I
think it was case of having "shot her wad," as they would say if she were a
boy. Then Maria over-powered her and won the match 1:6 7:5 6:1. What a strange
and interesting transformation. Next time out Mugurutha will harvest her
energies more conservatively. But, she is undoubtedly a great player of the
next generation, big, fast and accurate. Anyway, Maria is through to the
semis. Now that the top seeds are all out (Serena, Radwanska, Li Na) Maria
(seeded 7) is the favorite, but it was a narrow escape.
Today I watched Maria go through exactly the same process
again, she played Genie Bouchard, the young Canadian challenger,
in the semi-final, although this time she lost the first set 6-4, won the second
set after several set-backs 7:5 as in the previous match and then won the third
set 6-2. Bouchard lasted a bit longer than Mugurutha, and Maria showed her
usual nerves and tension, but came through in the end to the final. She will
play Simona Halep of Romania the winner of the other semi-final against Andrea
Petkovic of Germany.
The Final today was excellent. Apart from the fact that
Maria Sharapova made more unforced errors and double faults than she should
have, it was a great match, one of the best finals in about 10 years. Halep
(seeded 4) played a very good defensive game and kept up with Maria to the end.
It was unlike her previous games in that Maria won the first set 6:4, then
lost the second one in a tie-break 7:6, but won the final set 6:4. Maria
Sharpova is to Russian tennis what Tchaikovsky was to Russian music and Tolstoy
was to Russian literature. By the way, who cares about the men's tournament,
its always either Nadal or Djokovic, and this time it was Nadal
Monday, June 09, 2014
This letter appeared in The Jerusalem Post, June
6, 2014:
I was gratified that the Israeli Ministry of Education has
finally taken the decision to teach evolution at the middle school level
("Middle schools in Israel to begin teaching Darwin's theory," June
1) . To those who doubt the basis of evolution I would point out that evolution
is not a theory, it is a fact. In other words, species have
evolved and changed over long periods of time. What is theory is how this
process has occurred.
Some might think that God was responsible for this
process, a theory called "creationism." Darwin's theory of "the survival of the
fittest" and "adaptation by means of natural selection," that he published in
"On the Origin of Species" in 1859, is as far as we know correct,
except that Darwin could not know how this process occurred fundamentally,
because he did not know about genetics.
The work of Gregor Mendel that established genetics was
not presented until 1865 and the work of Friederich Miescher who discovered what
was to later to be known as DNA did not occur until 1869. Now, much later, the
subsequent findings of genetics and molecular biology fully support what we know
about how evolution has occurred.
It is only ignorance that leads people to still deny
evolution. We must ensure that in this modern world our children are not
brought up ignorant of one of the most important issues of our times, namely how
man and animals have evolved.
Jack Cohen
Retired Professor of Pharmacology, Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology
It is interesting to note that Gregor Mendel was a monk and Charles Darwin
was a devout Christian, who spent many hours agonizing over how his findings
would influence Christian belief. I must admit that those religious opponents
of the teaching of evolution, both in England (such as Bishop Wilberforce in the
Huxley debates) and in the USA (such as William Jennings Brian in the Scopes
trial) were right to fear the impact of secular education, it has undermined
unquestioning belief in religions. Apart from this there is the impact of other
events, such as the Holocaust, that led to the valid question, "where was God
while innocent Jews were being massacred?" But, we must never forget that the
basis of secular belief is built on a firm foundation of facts and conclusions
that were hard fought for and attained at great price.
I would like to emphasize that the term "natural selection"
introduced by Darwin implies that the selection of new species was "natural",
i.e. not directed, as is human selection of domesticated animals and plants or
divine selection either by an imagined "intelligent designer" or by a God.
There is a well-known philosophical rule known as "Occam's razor" or "Occam's
rule," that says that if there are two possible explanations for a problem, then
one is required to take the simplest explanation. As applied to evolution this
means that we are required to take the explanation of "natural selection" rather
than presume selection by an unknown external force.
Note: My lecture on "DNA:a history of the discovery of the structure
and function of the genetic substance" is now available on-line on my
website at www.jackcohenart/Lectures.html
Sunday, June 08, 2014
June is the anniversary of many significant events, the
70th anniversary of the D-Day landings that brought the end of WWII, the 25th
anniversary of the first free elections in Poland that brought an end to
communism, and perhaps most significantly for Israel, the 47th anniversary of
the Six-Day War on June 5, 1967.
If anything can be said to have established Israel as a
fait accompli in the Middle East, it was the amazing aerial attack of
June 5, 1967, by the IAF on the surrounding Arab countries, particularly Egypt
and Syria, that decimated their air forces before they even took off. These
countries had threatened Israel's existence, and in some cases still do, but
they got an extreme shock when Israel not only fought back, but won so easily.
It was all over in 6 Days, little Israel (6 million people then) had defeated
the collective armies of the Arab world (120 million people). Since then the
world has never looked the same.
It had a profound psychological impact on all Jews around
the world. No longer were they cowering in a cellar waiting for the forces of
darkness to strike and kill them at will. Now the Jews were defended by our own
first class armed forces that used the latest technology to decimate the Arab
enemies. Their arrogance and Jew-hatred had been blunted and their intentions
to destroy the only Jewish State in the world had been utterly defeated.
Although they tried again in 1973, nevertheless, 1967 was a turning point, a
watershed, that represented the transformation of the destroyed Jews of the
Holocaust of 1939-45 into the victorious Jews of the IDF of 1967. We are still
trying to come to terms with that fateful transition.
Friday, June 06, 2014
Message to Putin
On Weds June 4 Pres. Obama met with a gathering of Heads
of State of Eastern European countries, including newly elected Pres.
Poroshenko of Ukraine, in Warsaw, Poland, to commemorate 25 years since the
first free election in Poland that began the fall of communism. This was the
victory of the non-violent Solidarity movement, that started with trade
unionists refusing to work under degrading conditions and ended with complete
freedom for Poland and not only the fall of communism in Poland, but the
withdrawal of all USSR forces from Poland. And this had a domino effect that
led to the freedom of all the so-called Iron Curtain countries in Eastern
Europe, including Hungary and East Germany and led to the fall of the USSR and
its break-up into 15 independent non-communist countries and the reunification
of Germany. This amazing transformation after 72 years of the USSR and 44
years of communism in Eastern Europe took all of 2 years, from the first
election in Poland in 1989 to the dissolution of the USSR in 1991.
But, Obama's meeting and rousing speech in Warsaw was
meant as a message to none other than Pres. Putin. It was a not-so-veiled
threat, that the coalition of free nations represented there, and of the EU and
NATO, will not stand for any undue Russian interference in the affairs of these
free countries, that have been under Russian control and influence for so long.
While Ukraine is not a NATO country, as is Poland, nevertheless the countries
assembled there, including the USA, gave a solemn warning to Putin to stop
meddling in the affairs of Ukraine. Crimea has already gone from Ukraine to
Russia, but Eastern Ukraine, centred around Donetsk, is still in the balance.
Obama promised a billion dollars to strengthen democracy in Eastern Europe by
providing arms, ammunition and training. The US will not supply arms to
Ukraine, but will provide non-military supplies as well as much-needed military
advice and training for the growing Ukrainian forces to combat the pro-Russian
insurgents. NATO will also increase its defensive maneuvers in the regions
surrounding Eastern Europe. Whether or not Putin will listen to these warnings
will determine the future of us all.
Two statements in Obama's speech had historic
significance, first the reference to the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of 1943, that
was a last desperate attempt by the Jewish occupants of the Ghetto to resist
the Nazi onslaught. It should be pointed out that in terms of freedom in
Eastern Europe this was the first mass uprising against totalitarian oppression
there. Also, Obama mentioned the Warsaw uprising by Poles in 1944 that was
doomed to failure when the Soviet forces deliberately held back across the
Vistula River and allowed the Germans to reinforce and reoccupy Warsaw. None of
the Eastern European countries represented there are inclined to be very
friendly to Russia, remembering that tragic history, but they are prepared to
deal with Russia as long as it obeys the rules of international relations.
On June 6 will be the commemoration in Normandy of the
D-Day landings of 1944 that spelt the relief of Russia from German invasion and
that heralded the end of WWII. This will be another opportunity for Obama to
remind Putin that they both owe each other a great deal and as democratic
nations need to work together. To the extent that Russia remains democratic it
will resist the desire to occupy more land and take over other countries.
Thursday, June 05, 2014
American shame
I was shocked, but not surprised, when the State Dept.
announced that the US has given immediate recognition to the Fatah-Hamas Unity
Government that was installed in the Palestine Authority today. In my previous
blog, "Palestine Unity Government," I enunciated the reasons why both Hamas and
Fatah have decided at this time to rejoin forces. But, not one reason why they
combined has anything to do with peace or reconciliation with Israel. While
Pres. Abbas maintains that nothing has changed, he is openly contradicted by the
Hamas spokesmen who declare their eternal enmity to Israel.
Yet, the Obama Administration, as always, acts as the
"useful idiots," who accept Abbas's word that the new PA Govt. still want to
maintain their involvement in the peace process. This is wishful thinking
raised to the level of high art. Hamas is a radical Islamist terrorist
organization, recognized as such by the UN, the EU and even the US. How can
anyone believe that a Palestinian Government that includes Hamas can have
anything to do with peace? It defies logic and involves self-deception, but
this is something that the Obama Administration is excellent at. If Secty. of
State Kerry thinks this new situation has anything to do with peace he is so
naieve and completely self-deluded.
PM Netanyahu wasted no time in publicly lambasting this
decision of the US Government in unusually harsh terms. Not only is this a
self-defeating act for a county that has an established policy not to recognize
terrorist-led governments, but it is also a stab in the back for Israel.
Netanyahu requested all western governments to think and hesitate before
recognizing such a government that includes Hamas, but the US did not
hesitate. The same Obama Administration that recognized the Muslim Brotherhood
Government of Pres. Morsi of Egypt, was also in a hurry to recognize the
Hamas-containing Government of the PA.
One excuse given by the State Dept. spokesman Jen Psaki
for this recognition is that this PA Government is one of "technocrats." But,
everyone knows that these technocrats have no actual power, they are controlled
by the powers of Fatah and Hamas. And who can guarantee that Hamas will not
only be pulling the strings, but that in short time Hamas will out-maneuver
Fatah, as they did in Gaza, and then take over the West Bank. This would be a
disaster for Israel and also for the so-called peace process. If Kerry
negotiates with a partial Hamas Government, how can he then justify not
accepting a fully Hamas Government, especially if it is elected. It is clear
that the Obama Administration has crossed a red-line, and Netanyahu for
one will take appropriate action, which Obama typically failed to do in Syria.
The State Dept also announced that the US will continue to
pay hundreds of millions of dollars to the PA. Some of this is used to reward
terrorists who have murdered Americans and Israelis, and other of this money
will be used to support terrorism and other actions against Israel. I urge all
US citizens to send a note criticizing this shameful and inappropriate action by
the Obama Administration to the White House and to Senators and
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
Syrian fallout
As a result of thousands of Sunni Muslims from Europe and
the US going to Syria to fight against the pro-Shia Assad regime and becoming
radicalized, must we then accept our people to be murdered on the streets of
Europe? Are we to become fair game for any returning Muslim with a gun? This
is what happened as a result of the radicalization of Muslims after the Afghan
war (at that time with the USSR) that spawned al Qaeda. Are we to see another
wave of terrorist violence from returning Syrian combatants?
Mehdi Nemmouche, a French Algerian Muslim, who had
returned from fighting in Syria, was arrested by French police in Marseille. He
was supposedly apprehended on a drugs trafficking charge, but he was still
carrying the same guns and wearing the same clothes that he wore when he
attacked the Jewish Museum in Brussels and killed four people a few days
before. He also had a CD on him in which he took responsibility for the attack,
in order to kill Jews. So he managed to cross the Belgian-French border
carrying two guns immediately after the shooting. What does this say about
Belgian-French anti-terrorist cooperation? I suggest that until such
anti-terrorist activity is greatly strengthened Jewish tourists are unsafe in
most of Europe.
The main question is was Nemmouche a "lone wolf"? Did he
act alone and at his own instigation? I am sure that he did not! He did not go
from Syria back to France and then choose to attack the Jewish Museum in
Brussels totally on his own. How did he choose it, who planned and organized
the attack, where did he get the weapons? How did he know the Jewish Museum in
Brussels had no security whatsoever, not even a metal detector or a police
guard! The French police have already arrested four more French Muslims who
have been operating a jihadist ring, recruiting people to go and fight in Syria,
and then help them to return and carry out actions on European soil. This
brings to mind the terrible attack by Mohammed Merah in Toulouse in 2012 who
murdered four Jews and two others, that shook France. These attacks add fuel to
the campaign of those who oppose foreign and particularly Muslim immigration to
France, such as the Front National. The FN started out as traditionally
anti-Semitic, but ironically in the wake of these attacks it has become more
anti-Muslim and less anti-Semitic. Both the FN and French Jewish organizations
are calling for French government action against those returning from Syria.
Politics makes strange bed-fellows.