The current Muslim strategy to take over Europe has two distinct drives. The first is that of the jihadis who are quite prepared to blow up and behead as many "infidels" (kaffurs) as necessary in order to achieve their aims. They want all Western European countries replaced by Islamic States and they want the implementation of Sharia law. A recent poll in the UK among young Muslim men aged 20-35 found that 40% (!) want to see Sharia law in force in the UK.
At the same time there is another prong of the attack which is nonviolent, yet has the same aims. The overall aim is to render Europe "submissive" to the dictates of Islam, and make Europeans into "dhimmis," inferior to actual Muslims. This seems similar to previous dictatorial regimes, for example, the Nazis and the Communists. In both these cases the respective Empire was spread by the "sword", just like Islam, but there were also strong propaganda campaigns designed to persuade people that they were adopting a superior culture. Yet, both of these European-based dictatorial regimes were defeated by Western democratic civilization, but at great cost.
Violent Islamists are attempting to spread their poison by attacks such as "9/11/01" in the US, the train bombings in Madrid of March, 2004 and the Underground/bus bombings of "7/7/05" in the UK. Those who carry out such attacks, often suicide bombers, are called Takfir, or soldiers in the holy war of jihad. How did these attacks in Europe start? After the US retaliated for the 9/11 attack, and destroyed al Qaeda centers and training camps in Afghanistan, the trainees scattered back to their own countries. There some of them established secret cells, planning and organizing for future local attacks. In 2003 al Zawahiri, bin Laden's number two, sent orders to a meeting in Istanbul, to start the attacks. A group centred in Tunisia, carried out the attacks in Casablanca in May, 2003 against Jewish and foreign targets, including tourist hotels. There were 11 bombers and 45 people were killed and many injured. But, the Tunisian and Spanish authorities did not realize the Spanish connection.
The Tunisian plotters had made contact with a Moroccan petty criminal living in Madrid, who after a visit home had become a newly religious extremist. He continued living as before in Madrid as a cover, selling drugs and women, but secretly (as later discovered) he used his contacts to buy explosives and other equipment for the cell. They then carried out the train bombings, killing 191 people with 5 simultaneous blasts. Fortunately, one bomb failed to go off, and from the cell phone card inside it they were able to track the killers, seven of whom blew themselves up when surrounded. However, the threat of further bombings caused the Spanish people to elect a new (Socialist) Government, which withdrew Spanish forces from Iraq, thus showing how Muslim extremism can successfully manipulate Europe.
While these attacks, and others that have been thwarted, have been ongoing, a more subtle program has been underway. A journal was founded in 1975 (!) called "Eurabia," contemporary with the founding of the Parliamentary Association of Euro-Arab Cooperation (PAEAC). This organization is not secret, it hosts annual meetings in EU and Arab countries, where representatives up to the level of Foreign Minister have presented papers. Many of these are available on the internet and in EU publications (for details see "Eurabia" by Bat Yeor, which I am currently reading). The overall aim of PAEAC is to bring about a common foreign policy of the EU that is friendly to the Arab countries. Much money has gone into this effort, mostly coming from Saudi Arabia and supported by Wahhabi (Sunni) extremists.
So there is a two-pronged Islamic attack against the so-called Judeo-Christian/secular Western civilization, at the level of Governments and at the street level. Will Europe succumb to this determined and growing threat? There are many indicators both ways, on the one hand Europe seems to be prostrate and ineffectual in the face of Muslim infiltration. On the other hand, Europe has a good record of countering such extremist threats.
One should note however, that these two prongs are not coordinated, and that the Saudis and al Qaeda are enemies. Bin Laden and al Qaeda regard the Saudi regime as collaborators with the US (the Great Satan) for having allowed US forces onto their "sacred" soil. The Saudis long ago rescinded bin Laden's Saudi citizenship. There have been al Qaeda bombings in Saudi Arabia, and there have been clashes between Saudi forces and al Qaeda cells inside Saudi Arabia. If the Muslims took over Europe they would then fight it out there.
While this threat to European continuity is gathering, another threat has simultaneously loomed, namely that of Iran. Shia Iran is a separate threat, and most notably its nature is not predominantly a matter of subterfuge and terrorism, it is a direct state threat, including the potential to develop and use nuclear weapons. There is no doubt that Iran would seek to use these weapons against Israel and to use them as a strategic threat against other countries in the Middle East and the West. But, Iran is Shia and this would be a direct threat to Sunni Arab hegemony in the Middle East.
It seems unlikely, in fact almost impossible, that the US forces in Iraq can deter the sectarian civil war between Sunni and Shia forces in Iraq. Most people now accept that the sectarian violence (120 were killed in Iraq today) is far greater than the al Qaeda terrorist threat. The current civil wars in the PA, Lebanon and Iraq are merely part of the overall Sunni-Shia conflict that has been ongoing for centuries, and are in effect a continuation of the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980's that was led on the Sunni side by Saddam Hussein. By getting rid of Saddam, the US has opened the door for the flexing of Shia muscle in the form of Iraqi Shia militias and Iranian expansionism. Ironically, the US removal of Saddam Hussein is resulting in more intra-Islamic bloodshed than democracy. I predict that there will be a major Sunni-Shia war before long, in fact I can hardly see how it could be avoided. Maybe if this happens it will save Europe from falling under Muslim control while on the brink of plummeting.